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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » You're exposed and have COVID 19 but won't know it for 2-14 days when symptoms show up. In that time how many will you have infected?

You're exposed and have COVID 19 but won't know it for 2-14 days when symptoms show up. In that time how many will you have infected?

Judge amy was in the rose garden with all those who are now infected and quarantined. In close quarers hobnobbing and maskless. She may get it too or already have it. So what happens? Is she still gonna be the next SCOTUS justice even if she is fighting for her life on a ventilator in the hospital?

Fun times ahead. How are they gonna pull this off when they falling like flies having played Russan Roulette once too often? That one bullet? Big targets. Stand by. Watch out. Buckle up. Be brave. Don't be afraid.

Posted - October 6, 2020
