For me?
You chat with and interact with people all over the world some of whom become lifetime pals/friends whom you will never meet face to face!
I wonder if people in ancient times could ever have imagined something that wondrously unbelievable?
Mebbe that's why we clicked Walt. We both have a great respoect for INFORMATION and KNOWLEDGE and LEARNING and INVESTIGATING and RESEARCHING and KNOWING AND RECEIVING AND GIVING AND SHARING AND SOUNDBOARDING. That's the hook for us I guess. Some have no curiosity or interest or desire in LEARNING. When you TRY to engage with them it never happens. They have NO INTEREST in anything but the script prepared for them by their religious group or their party or their hate group. Nothing exists for them OUTSIDE THAT MILLIONS OF THEM are like that. I do not see how any of them find any reason for living. They don't. They float and bob and go where the wind blows and the wind is what directs them to wherever. No curiosity. No interest. Programmed hate and fear sustain them. No hyperbole. It is what it is. Isn't it? Thank you for your reply m'dear. We are getting closer and closer to the big blowup blowout meltdown disintegration disappearance extinction. Coming soon to a theater near you. Shoes are required.
The once and future king extincted in living color on TV. Bring the popcorn. I'll bring the chips and the CRACKER JACKS and the nuts.
This post was edited by RosieG at October 6, 2020 2:02 PM MDT