Why should Joe's life be put in jeopardy does because duck wants to debate him face to face? Duck is a massive DISGRACE wherever he is whenever.
Any of you think JOE should be forced to be in the room as a death carrier virus superspreader murderer? WHY?
Joe doesn't work for the duck so he has no reason to comply. Poor folks in the white house who service the dumb cluck duck. How many of them will die?
Why don't they all just quit?
Yes, he should. But if he does, 'lord voldemort' will claim victory. And you know he’ll refuse to "debate" (lie and love himself verbally) if Biden isn’t there in person.
(humor) trump – “my doctors... and they’re the greatest doctors – you know they gave me some of the best medicines – and they’re the same ones anyone in this country can have and will have before November. Well, they told me that I can’t infect sleepy Joe from afar. Can’t be done. They told me that I need to hug and cough on him so I can win the election...which everyone knows is the most fraudulent election this country has seen in over a bazillion years.”