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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Stereotyping could be viewed as a method of shorthand. Or as insulting. Do YOU stereotype anything/anyone? For praise or PUTDOWN?

Stereotyping could be viewed as a method of shorthand. Or as insulting. Do YOU stereotype anything/anyone? For praise or PUTDOWN?

Those engulfed in PARTISAN politics are so good at that. ALL DEMOCRATS ARE EVIL. ALL REPUBLICANS ARE VILE.

Evil. Vile. Same 4 letters. Same meaning. Same truth or lie? And so it goes.

Examples of the shorthand?

White men can't jump
All blacks have rhythm

Southerners love deep fried anything including road kill
All blacks love watermelon, fried chicken and bacon grease dipped everything

Slavery was good for the blacks. They LOVED being taken care of by their masters. Didn't mind being used for sex when required. Look at Thomas Jefferson? He fathered kids with a black woman slave. If it was good enough for him it's good enough for everyone.

As the crow flies so goes the nation. As the head rots so goes the rest of the body politic. Can't stop the stench. It permeates the air everywhere.


Posted - October 12, 2020
