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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Charming. The south with its elegant estates with wraparound verandas. Mint Juleps and Colonels and beautiful ladies. Cultured. Right?

Charming. The south with its elegant estates with wraparound verandas. Mint Juleps and Colonels and beautiful ladies. Cultured. Right?

Noblesse Oblige
Lovely to look at delightful to see and heaven to hold tight of and never let go

Started a CIVIL WAR to keep their slaves.

What is wrong with that picture? Nothing at all. It was all of that.

Weeping willows...soft breezes on a summer's night spreading the fragrance of gardenias or roses or whatever was in bloom and in sight.

Grand balls with grand ball gowns and grand music and grand food and it was indeed the epitome of GRACIOUS LIVING.

They could not do it on their own apparently. Clean their homes, raise their children, cook their meals, pay their bills. They had to have people do it for them. They were far too  busy entertaining being gracious giving balls and great dinners to show off and showcase their silver and china and grand furniture.

How dare anyone try to take it away from them? How dare anyone stand up and say slaves were not 2/3 of a person? Slaves were people just as entitled to the same rights as the colorless drab vanilla homogenized wealthy.

You know what's sad? It is still that way. Nothing has changed. Oh slavery was abolished but the attitude underlying it is alive and well and operating everywhere. Due to a dumb cluck duck the longers for the way it used to be who want to "take their country back" are now out of the scum and slime and marching with signs saying they will overcome JEWS for instance. The dumb cluck duck says "there are very good people on both sides". He knows everything.

Round we go back to where we started. Repeatedly. No wonder there is no progress to be made. We like the way it was. Subjecting certain classes of people to be "less than" so they the whites could feel they were "better than". Nothing has changed. Never will. Homo saps are much too much the saphead and not the homo. Sapiens means wise. Homo saps are anything but wise as species. Sure rare here and there you might find one..  Homo racists homo bigots homo homo partisans homo mayonnaise homo vanilla homo paste homo chalk homo caulk homo milk  homo white wash, homo white clothes homo white cars homo white food homo white face. Cauliflower is a favorite I expect. So is white rice and mushrooms (the white kind of course). All is alright with all white.

Posted - October 12, 2020
