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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Received our ballots yesterday, Tuesday! Will complete them and drop them off TODAY at a SECURE SAFE place. Your plans for your today?

Received our ballots yesterday, Tuesday! Will complete them and drop them off TODAY at a SECURE SAFE place. Your plans for your today?

Posted - October 14, 2020


  • 44550
    Let's see...I started a pot of beans and smoked turkey, watched a NOVA show, cleaned the kitchen and will take a nap later.
      October 14, 2020 9:14 AM MDT

  • 113301
    What kind of beans E? I cook our from scratch and love all kinds of beans. Yes. You can say "Rosie is full of beans" and it is no insult. It's the truth. We love them! Fat free and high in fiber and protein. They can be flavored any old which way you prefer. Which NOVA show? We have it on an automatic recordng so we don't miss any episodes. What was your wife doing while you did all that? Of course it's none of my business but just in case ya wanna share! Thank you for your reply. I love smoked fish if the smoke comes from wood. That liquid smoke stuff in a bottle is vile. You don't use it do you E? :)
      October 15, 2020 4:12 AM MDT

  • 44550
    1. One bag of 15 bean soup.
    2.  One large onion.
    3.  For or five cloves of garlic.
    4.  Two smoked turkey legs.

    Soak beans in water overnight in an oblong slow cooker. Do not discard rinse water. Put in turkey legs and cook on high, adding water as necessary to cover turkey legs. When boiling, add onion and garlic, chopped any way you want. Let continue to boil until the turkey meat starts to fall off the bone. Remove them and put them aside to cool.(about 20 minutes.) After cooling, strip the meat by hand and place it back in the cooker. You may want to spoon the tendons out that may be in the pot. Salt and pepper to taste. It is ready to eat.  A dash of hot sauce is quite good. Enjoy. 
      October 15, 2020 9:16 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Sounds delish! Thank you for sharing your recipe m'dear. Autumn is here and things are finally cooling down slowly but surely. Soup weather is nigh! My oh my!  A VERY HEALTHY MEAL! GOOD ON YA! Happy Saturday to thee and thine E! :)
      October 17, 2020 6:38 AM MDT

  • 10562
    I'm going to paint the fence (providing the paint is still good).

    My ballot came over a week ago. The official voters guide came 4 days ago.  The are both currently undergoing decontamination.  Once they have been "sterilized" (eye roll), I will vote, and then take my ballot to the official steel-plated election box out at the elections center.
    I looked thru the voters guide online (for the propositions) and shook my head in disbelief.  If your proposition doesn't pass the first time, put it back on the ballot.. again, and again, and again, and again.... until the fools finally pass it.
      October 14, 2020 11:12 AM MDT

  • 113301
    WHAT? You decontaminate your mail for days before you open it? Well whatever works for you.

    I contacted our local Democratic headquarters and got a head's up about where to go to interpret the bullpuckey. What are they REALLY saying? There is also the League of Women voters who are very helpful. That guide was worthless in my opinion. Hey if it works for you who am I to take jabs? Thank you for your reply Shuhak. How long do you "sterilize" and if anyone comes into your home is he/she sterilized too? Yes I'm kinda joking but kinda not. SIGH. However you have been through a lot more than we have so if you are bit more "strict" I can understand it.
      October 14, 2020 1:01 PM MDT

  • 10562
    I have to decontaminate EVERYTHING!  I take care of my mom, and she is resolute that everything be thoroughly decontaminated (she's a bit overly paranoid).  The "rituals" I have to go through are almost ludicrous (I kid you not).   All mail has to sit outside in the sun for 3-5 days before it can be touched.  I finally got her to stop wiping down each piece of mail with a disinfecting wipe (she still goes out now and then and wipes down the mailbox).  Any delivered packages are to be opened outside, and the outer packaging disposed of directly.   All groceries must be washed, then stay in the garage (her "decontamination room") for 7 days before I can bring them in the house (that's down from the 15 days back in march thru july).  Refrigerated/frozen items are brought in via an old grocery bag once they have been thoroughly washed down.  Eggs are placed in previously decontaminated cartons.  I finally got her to stop transferring the bread to plastic baggies before bringing it in (I compromised by letting it go through the 7-day decontamination process in the garage).  You don't even want to know what's required each time one "ventures out into the world".  (sigh.)  I think a lot of this is overkill, but whatever makes her happy.  No one is allowed in the house.  My sister must stay outside and remain 5-6 feet away when she comes over (no mask).  However (and this is why I roll my eyes at all this), if my sister brings a pot of fresh homemade tomato sauce (straight from the burner), or a jar of homemade pickles, I'm not required to wipe them down.  Also, her dog (which she takes with her almost  everywhere she goes) is ok to pet at any time.  

    Yes, I read all that gobbledygook in the guide.  
      October 14, 2020 4:36 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Obviously I had no idea what you have to go through m'dear.YOU ARE A SAINT! I am not joking. I think I shall never encounter anyone who would go to such extremes to please another human being. I've already worried about you and your sister's family because of all the fires and the crap dangerous air you have had to breathe for months. I remember early on you told me that your sister had brought about $400 worth of groceries to you and that you were in the process of sanitizing them. I think it must have been in March. Your poor mother must live with being frantic about everything. But I think you said she's my age and we are the most at risk. I don't know what else to say except my respect and admiration for you is even higher than before. How long will you have to live like that? GOD give you the strength because just reading what you have to go through exhausts me. Does your mom have any outside interests aside from staying alive? Does she read or knit or cook or have any hobby that she delights in doing? Keep strong m'dear. STAY SAFE. Thank you for your very personak private snapshot of what you endure. It staggers me. :) This post was edited by RosieG at October 15, 2020 9:24 AM MDT
      October 15, 2020 1:51 AM MDT

  • 10562
    My mom doesn't do much of anything anymore.  She just sits around complaining that shes old and can't do what she'd like to do any more.  My dad's passing ripped a major hole in her life,and shes been depressed ever since.  We try to get her to do something, but she always seems to find an excuse not to do anything.  I set up a table for her to do a puzzle on.  She did 1 then put the table away.  Unfortunately, her way of handling any stress is to shut off (always has been).  So anytime she has to go out, or something upsets her, she sleeps.
      October 15, 2020 9:43 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I am so sorry m'dear. For you and your mom and your entire family. I cannot conceive of having been put through as much as you have in the last 8 months. But I have to tell you something. My way of handling things used to be by simply withdrawing. I'd just hide inside myself and remove myself from whatever was going on around me. Take a breather. Be in a safe place. For however long it took. I don't do that anymore but I remember the times I did and it was my salvation. I'm not joking. Sometimes when the world is too much to deal with you have to find a safe place. Your mom sleeps. She could be getting drunk. I read that some seniors do have an alcohol problem. So sleeping is much better than killing yourself with booze. I can so relate to her. I used to wish I could go to sleep and wake up AFTER whatever it was ended. I do now as a matter of fact. Have a nice restful sleep and when I wake up the duck is long gone as a threat and in prison with his quacks. Wishful thinking. Thank you for your informative reply. Gosh I wish there were something I could do. If something happened to Jim I don't know what I'd do or whom I'd be. I can't fault your mom for feeling lost without her husband. My condolences.
      October 16, 2020 3:40 AM MDT