They follow the lead of the dumb cluck duck who encouiages them out loud and proud to keep putting out fake bogus "drop boxes" maked OFFICIAL all up and down the state of California. Win by cheating. Hide nothing. Take pride in your villainy and vicious vituperative vacuosity.
The louder the better. The more the merrier. Keep it up. Keep it up. Keep it up! Why not? Everyone loves a liar. Everyone loves a cheater. Everyone loves a loser who lies cheats steals to "win". Everyone? Everyone who adores the likes of the dumb cluck duck and his soulless quacks. ACK ACK ACK ACK ACK ACK!
And their defense? “There’s no law stating we can’t”. Just like their boss. If there’s no specific law (down to the last jot and tilde), then it is legal. Common sense and decency are long extinct.