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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » What keeps people driving inside the lines? Pacified? Folding their laundry? Working for The Man? Is it our Snuggies™? Cable TV? Drugs?

What keeps people driving inside the lines? Pacified? Folding their laundry? Working for The Man? Is it our Snuggies™? Cable TV? Drugs?


Posted - October 13, 2016


  • 411
    The entertainment, low levels of education, the extenuating work shifts, the family, friends, the drugs, sex, the plans of the elite of the world, et cetera.
    People will not revolt because they would have to take control of what is happening instead of just doing nothing.
      October 13, 2016 4:50 PM MDT

  • 3191
    It is the combination and culmination of many things.  Oscar listed a few above, to which can be added tradition; societal and familial expectations; the desire to "keep up with the Jonses"; ignorance of how government, politics, commerce and our monetary systems work; ignorance of history; the fear or awe of authority and the fears (real or imagined) instilled in us by politicians, media and special interests; the desire to conform (i.e. "belong") and the fear of being perceived as "different".  
      October 13, 2016 6:15 PM MDT