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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Just what the dumb cluck duck needs. His fake TV lawyer Rudy G has involved the duck in an INTERNATIONAL ESPIONAGE SCANDAL. HOW?

Just what the dumb cluck duck needs. His fake TV lawyer Rudy G has involved the duck in an INTERNATIONAL ESPIONAGE SCANDAL. HOW?

Well ya see it's like this.

The dumb cluck duck lusts after a way to take Joe Biden. He will listen to and believe any bullsh** from any bullsh**ter any time.

So the fake TV lawyer was used as a conduit (useful idiot) by the putrid putin et al to feed in MISINFORMATION (LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES) about guess who...Joe Biden. It was planned to be their October surprise. It is. Only they are the butt of it the point of it the punch line. It bit them on the a** bigly.

INTERNATIONAL ESPIONAGE. The dumb cluck duck is escalating his desperation. INTERNATIONAL
ESPIONAGE involving his fake TV lawyer as the braindead vacuum to carry the lies to the dumb cluck duck for him to use against Joe Biden. Now being used again Rudy G AND his master the dumb cluck duck. Timing couldn't be any better for the opposition. Perfect for Joe don'tcha know. What other dumb cluck duck scandals are bubbling in the dark in some underground coven ready to be sprung?

Keystone Kops. The gang that couldn't shoot straight. Dumb and dumber. More to come. STay tuned.

Posted - October 17, 2020
