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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I know little to nothing about the character of the presidents who served before I was born. In my lifetime till 2016 the very WORST prez?

I know little to nothing about the character of the presidents who served before I was born. In my lifetime till 2016 the very WORST prez?

The criminally corrupt tricky dicky nixon. NIX ON NIXON. He was the epitome of ghastly.

I thought there could NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER NEVER be worse than he. Once again I was wrong.

I wonder what futurely will come to be? Will I be wrong then too? What about you? Are you right or wrong or middling/medium? Do you win  more than you lose? Do you guess wright more often than you guess rong?

Posted - October 18, 2020


  • 2706
     First, let’s be honest. Contrary to the beliefs of some, Presidents are not responsible for everything that happens in America. Secondly, presidential action is a mixture of domestic and foreign activities. Add up anybody’s four years in the Oval Office, and it’s a bit of a fruit salad. Some good, some bad. Though Presidents are held to a much higher standard and more accountable for their actions, than you and I might be, they are after all, still only human.

      That said, while precise rankings might not have much credibility, it’s worth pondering who should be lumped into the top bracket and who can be consigned to the losers circle. Historians and journalists often churn out lists ranking the U.S. presidents. However, typically, these rankings do little more than reveal the politics and bias of those compiling the list.
      October 18, 2020 7:39 AM MDT