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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The Declaration of Independence was written in 1776. It contained a lie and a murky fuzzy word that was never defined. WHAT?

The Declaration of Independence was written in 1776. It contained a lie and a murky fuzzy word that was never defined. WHAT?

The lie? ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. It wasn't until 1868 when the 14th Amendment was written that "blacks" who were counted as 3/5 a person became a whole person.

The fuzzy murky undefined word?

"Endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. Among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of HAPPINESS.

We know the difference between life and death. Our creator endowed us with a right to life

We know the difference between liberty and incarceration/bondage. Our creator endowed us with a right to liberty

But the pursuit of HAPPINESS? That is seriously flawed. It makes pedophiles happy to rape children. It makes evildoers happy to torture and murder people. It makes the powerful very happy to lie to the people to cheat them and steal from them and otherwise abuse them.

The Declaration of Independence says the creator has endowed them with an unalienable right to pursue happiness. Without defining it.

So much for fuzzy unclear untrue.

What happiness do you pursue?

Posted - October 19, 2020


  • 6023
    That's modern excuse-making thinking.
    Modern Americans have been brought up to shout "My Rights! My Rights!" to the point that they don't acknowledge their Rights end when they conflict with another person's Rights.

    In other words, you're "Pursuit of Happiness" Right ends when it would conflict with the Rights of another.
    This was common knowledge, when the DoI was written.

    So no, there is no Right to rape, abuse, or torture another.

    btw - at the time, there was debate in to include blacks with equal rights.
    But that would have lost the support of the southern colonies.
    So they swallowed their morals and compromised with the 3/5 figure ... passing the issue down the road to future generations.

    When you think about it, the Founding Fathers were directly responsible for two wars.
    First - the Revolutionary War.
    Second - the Civil War.
      October 19, 2020 7:48 AM MDT

  • 113301
    That is your ASSUMPTION Walt. That my right ends where another's right begin. WHERE IS THAT EXPLICITLY STATED? Further I am not making excuses. I am POINTING OUT A least what I believe to be a flaw. It is open-ended. You can read anything you want into it. As do the gun people who read into their right to arm bears today any which they want. Anyway it's moot. It's a done deal. People memorize it and  itand ooh and ahh over it and they never once stop to THINK about what that open end means or anything else about it. If you don't comprehend what you read what good is it?.

    Whatever laws are in place can be ignored. Whatever laws are in placed can be changed. However you interpret today may be opposite of however you interpret tomorrow. Your SLIPPERY SLOPE? It would have been nice if the Founding Fathers were nicer, kinder, wiser. It would have been nice if in fact they did believe ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. But they were not. They were RICH they were WHITE they were EDUCATED they were SLAVE OWNERS they lived PRIVILEGED LIVES. They looked down upon "the people" obviously. Nothing has changed since then. THE RICH WHITE POWERFUL look down on those not them. It is endemic in them. Nothing will change them. We point out things we know will never change. You ask what's the point? I say because if I do not say it I will feel that I did not do my part. Whatever it is however little it is pointing out stupid dumb to people who should know better but don't is what I try to do. If I succeed that is yea for me. If I don't at least I know I TRIED. Okey dokey. Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday to thee and thine! Look I'm not a genius or special. IF I CAN SEE IT PLAINLY WHY CAN'T OTHERS SEE IT PLAINLY TOO? That's what I don't get. Do you?
      October 19, 2020 8:58 AM MDT

  • 6023
    Actually, the very phrase "created equal" means that no individual's rights supersede that of another.
    Thus, since my rights are equal to yours ... I don't have the right to torture you (without your consent).

    Of course, if we go back to the philosophy of the ancient Greeks (Plato and Aristotle) - they believed that a person's worth was not as an individual, but as a contributing member of society.  But the Founders rejected that philosophy, in favor of a democracy.  Ironically, those who want to require some type of "community service" to vote, are moving back towards that philosophy and away from individual rights and open democracy.
      October 19, 2020 11:15 AM MDT

  • 33859
    The 3/5 count was to prevent overrepresentation of slave you believe the Representives would have represented the slaves or the owmers?   Really should not have counted them at all for House seat distribution.  
      October 19, 2020 8:08 AM MDT