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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Dr. Fauci can no longer go out in public alone. He needs to have security protecting him. WHY? What happened?

Dr. Fauci can no longer go out in public alone. He needs to have security protecting him. WHY? What happened?

The dumb cluck duck mentally unstable weaponized quacks send him DEATH THREATS.

You think I'm joking?

Further awful to me is that I KNOW the dumb cluck duck LOVES it.

He WANTS his crackpot base to hate those he hates and whatever they choose to do they know he will back them up. Make it be the right thing to do. He has the backs of his crackpot weaponized quacks.

This is America in 2020 folks. Courtesy of one man. One man has changed this country into the cesspoll it is today. And if he has way he will do much more for 4 more years to tear down and putrify infect humiliate defecate..

Aren''t y'all proud of the dumb cluck duck and what he has achieved? Take your victory laps now and take him along with you. Enjoy your great victory. You done it. You done it. YOU done it!

Posted - October 19, 2020


  • 35015
    Trump has said specificallythat he likes Fauci.
      October 19, 2020 7:56 AM MDT

  • 2706
    Yup, he sure did. :)
      October 19, 2020 9:04 AM MDT