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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Since duck is heading for his LAME DUCK session he no longer has any clout with his party. Ignore him they will. He is not relevant. IZZY?

Since duck is heading for his LAME DUCK session he no longer has any clout with his party. Ignore him they will. He is not relevant. IZZY?

They are all distancing themselves from him. He is the KISS OF DEATH and they want no part of him.

How will he react when he FINALLY GETS IT?

Posted - October 19, 2020


  • ALL second term presidents are "lame ducks". What I'm anxious to find out is simply this: What "LAME" excuses will Dimocrats come up with if all of these "safeguards" to prevent losing the election next month should fail. Now, I sincerely believe that they will succeed in ripping off the American voter and will win this thing hands down. After all, they've had four years to perfect this larceny and all of us will pay the price. The knowledge that this will very likely be the last presidential election is a sobering reality. I'm taking a crash course in Chinese as the future of the US is in Beijing
      October 19, 2020 5:43 PM MDT