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Can you name one president in the last 60 years that has lived up to the integrity of the office?

"Ike" probably the most integrity, "JFK" philandering slut,  "Johnson" a fill in,  "Nixon" a crook, "Ford" just a fill in, "Carter" passivism no balls, "Reagan" held his own, but shy of a full deck, "B. Clinton", a puppet / slut, Both "Bushes" full of themselves and warmongers, "Obama" Control freak, breaks executive branch law by taking advantage of the executive orders, wanna be dictator and leader of the whole world but he can't even run the US. properly.

Posted - July 2, 2016


  • 3934

    I'm sorry, but since you didn't bother to create remotely historically accurate or nuanced descriptions of various presidential adminstrations (especially falling into the usual "Obama is a, Nazi Kenyan Marxist Communist Indonesian Socialst Terrorist Muslim who Hates America, Wants to Take Our Guns, and Throw US into FEMA Camps" bulls**t), I see no reason to discuss the question with you.

    It would be similar to my recent "discussions" on the subject of work requirements for social welfare elegibility where other people, out of ideological cussedness, refused to acknowledge that 25 - 5 = 20 (because doing so would prevent them from demonizing all welfare recipients as lazy, shiftless, and immoral).

      July 2, 2016 2:34 AM MDT

  • 503

    What do you care ?  American politics are not high on your priority list...Aren't you the guy who said he fled the Country and doesn't pay taxes?  !  I'll bet you will be very vocal on the outcome of the 2016 presidential election too !

      July 2, 2016 7:39 AM MDT