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WIMPS! Americans are crybaby wimps! They are suffering from "pandemic fatigue". Seriously. They really are puny soft pathetic. Aren't they?

Imagine the pathetic puny soft whinya**  duck americans of today going through what ENGLAND went through during the second world war? Imagine how much they'd moan and groan and whinya** that they were "war fatigued" and wanted to get their lives back.

My gawd how humiliating it is to be surrounded by them....the duck americans.  Not a spine or backbone among them.

Or during the Second world war when Americans were PATRIOTIC and worked together at home and on the battleields? Women took the jobs men had because men had to go to war. We had RATIONING of butter and sugar. No one whined about "war fatigue". IT LASTED FOR YEARS! AMERICANS DID NOT WHINEYA** they buckled down and went to work for a common goal. Celebrities opened up places for soldiers to go to unwind when they were in the states. They traveled to entertain soldiers everywhere. No one moaned or whined or complained or was "fatigued".

Today? What a bunch of violets. What a bunch of nothings. What an embarrassment they are. Soft spineless selfish duck americans. GAWD help us!

Posted - October 21, 2020


  • 33859
    People need to be social.  
    There is a reason solitary confinement causes some people to lose their sanity. 

      October 21, 2020 8:56 AM MDT

  • 10562
    This country has indeed become soft.  Many have not known true hardship or sacrifice.  Even our homeless are wealthier than many other people in other countries.   We are spoiled; expecting to be waited on hand and foot.  Listen to us moan because we can't go to restaurants or fast food joints, or we cant get our hair cut/styled.  We have conniption fits if our electricity is out for more than 5 minutes.  What WILL we ever do if our phone battery dies?  We grumble if we cant have a cup of coffee in the morning ... or worse, if they have to stand in line to get it (some people in the world have to travel miles - on foot - just to get pitchers of water!  A pandemic hits and we horaded toilet paper!  Something that didn't even exist here before 1857. I wonder how many people remember no toilets, just cold outhouses and getting splinters in your butt? (I know they don't remember using the Sears/Roebuck catalog in there.)  We've become a nation of fatties because we eat tons of food but don't do anything anymore (we don't even have to get up anymore to change the TV channel).  We throw away more food in a year than many people in other countries will eat in a lifetime.  
    If this pandemic is showing us anything it's that we are a bunch of sorry, lazy human beings.  No wonder the world laughs at us (and not just because of our leadership).
      October 21, 2020 1:23 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Once again m'dear ditto from me verbatim. I could not possibly improve on your reply. I salute you! I remember the SEARS CATALOG! Those were the days my friend. Before your time mostly but it's so good of you to bring that up. Lawnmowers were activated by musclepower. You didn't sit on your a** and let the machine do the work. I think when we had much less we appreciated it much more. I'm going to ask why that is? Thank you for your splendid reply Shuhak. Didja read the prediction from Dr. Osterholm (I think that's the name)? We are in for 6-12 weeks of our DARKEST PERIOD. So with the duck having his ego hate virus rallies that will certainly help in that prediction. We're preparing to buckle down more. Not that we haven't been doing so all along. Jim and I are still in the greatest AT RISK group and as far as we're concerned STAYING ALIVE is our top priority. Shouldn't it be the same for everyone?
      October 22, 2020 3:09 AM MDT

  • 10562
    I used a push mower (I still remember that sound).  Wore the white paint right off that thing.  I hated having to use it!  As a kid, I wasn't that strong yet and our grass was on the side of a hill.  Tall grass always clogged it up and we always has tall green grass.  It was a pain to unclog (don't cut your fingers off).  Dad finally bought a walk-behind Craftsman power mower in 1975.  only he could use it. if we wanted to mow the lawn we had to use the push mower (like we really "WANTED" to mow the lawn).
    I also helped to hand dig the vegetable garden (45'x80') and break up the clods each spring and fall.  It was a godsend when my dad was able to borrow the gas rototiller from his work (although only he could use it).  The First thing I bought with my paper route money was a decent rototiller.
    my dad told us stories about outhouses.  He even had to dig some of them (the one on hell's half acre was a visual story).  the ones I used were up in the mountains (they stunk!)

    Yes, I read it.  It's infuriating.  Between trump and the selfish idiots in this country it's a wonder we aren't all dead.
      October 22, 2020 12:37 PM MDT