Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The question was about over 500 kids still SEPARATED from their parents because the dumb cluck duck can't locate them. Know what duck said?

The question was about over 500 kids still SEPARATED from their parents because the dumb cluck duck can't locate them. Know what duck said?

"The kids were brought over by COYOTES and CARTELS". Yes. He said that. That is his reply.

The policy was to SEPARATE THE CHILDREN FROM THEIR PARENTS. They came with their parents and were separated from their parents and the parents were shipped off to GOD KNOWS WHERE and the dumb cluck duck cabal et al Don't have a CLUE to where. What world does the dumb cluck duck live? Another world? A different world? A dumb cluck duck world?.

The duck said "they were brought here by coyotes and cartels"

Clearly he is not a part of reality. Was that some schmuck on the yawn shinnity show or sucker farlson show who gave him that to use?

When shut up by that he veered to "who built the cages"? THAT WAS NOT THE QUESTION. BUT the dumb cluck duck doesn't ever answer the question. He veers to what he wants to say and the fact that it is in an alternate reality and verifies that he is inane and insane does not seem to bother him. At all. His peeps believe whatever he tells them. No exceptions.

And so it goes. Time well spent or time wasted? I don't know. We were able to stomach it and sit through it only because of the way Kristen controlled it. Was the duck on drugs? Could be. Anything is possible?

Posted - October 23, 2020


  • 33859
    The majority of the kids that have not been returned were because they did NOT come with family. They came with strangers who were using them to gain entry into the country.  Some were not returned because the parent was a criminal and is it not in the best interest of the child to return them to the parent. 

      October 23, 2020 6:22 AM MDT

  • 5808
    more BS
      October 24, 2020 7:23 PM MDT

  • 33859
    No. More facts. You may not like those facts but it does not change them. 
      October 25, 2020 5:09 AM MDT

  • 10963
    Coyotes make their money by smuggling in familly's - so it is unlikely  that they would  smuggle in a penniless child. Cartel  make their money by smuggling in drugs so it is unlikey that they would carry in a child when they could  carry in drugs.  Child separation was the policey and if I recall Trump or one of his goonies said separating children from their parents sent a message to the other people thinking about sneaking into the US.  It would of  been so easy for them to keep  records but  they didn't and then when a judge orders them to find the parents and they can't they make up  a lie. Cheers!
      October 23, 2020 1:06 PM MDT

  • 33859
    The coyotes are paid to smuggle the child by the parents and other family members. 
    The children are used as a shield to help get the adults into the country by claiming to be a famiy unit.  Then after the adult gets into the country, the child was returned and the cycle started over. 
      October 23, 2020 1:22 PM MDT

  • 7280
    So how about this?---When some parents returned to immigration detention after a brief court hearing, their children were gone.

    Were those parents actually just "coyotes" in disguise just to make Trump look bad?
      October 23, 2020 1:55 PM MDT

  • 33859
    Where did I say all the family units were fake? 

    I addressed the fact that the coyotes did/do smuggle children without their parents.  This was most prevalent under Obama because it became widely know that the Obama admin would not deport them.  This is actually why Obama had the "cages" built. To process the huge numbers of unaccompanied minors coming in. 
      October 23, 2020 2:58 PM MDT

  • 7280
    Some people think they are very careful about distributed and undistributed statements, but unless they are familiar with logic, they really aren't.

    The importance of distribution lies in its being a principle of formal inference that no term may be distributed in the conclusion unless it was distributed in the premises.

    So basically, when a person makes a statement, there are other things that can be logically inferred from that statement that are true---even if the person making the statement wishes it weren't.

    That's how people who present their understanding of reality as being true wind up contradicting themselves, and by doing so prove their original statements to be logically false..
      October 25, 2020 11:49 PM MDT

  • 33859
    I simply deal with facts as they are.   Parents were arrested. Children are not allowed to be kept with adults...it is a safety issue.  

    But you will be happy to know the children are no longer in the shelter. They have been placed with sponsors and most are extended family.  Many of the parents have been found but do not want their children returned. 
      October 26, 2020 9:28 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Remember Nanoose the dumb cluck duck told everyone to NOT BELIEVE WHAT YOU READ. NOT BELIEVE WHAT YOU SEE. THAT IS NOT WHAT IS HAPPENING. So the dumb cluck duck quacks believe that. They always believe him. Never consider challenging him or questioning him. They are only to OBEY OBEY OBEY OBEY OBEY WITHOUT QUESTION. They do that so well because their mental faculties are not adventurous. They are not remotely curious about hypocrisy or lies. The dumb cluck says UP IS DOWN and they will swear to it. The dumb cluck duck says DOWN IS UP and they will die before they question it. Upsy daisy. So for them he will always be the truthteller. For them his enemies will always be their enemies. Thinking is hard work. Anything to not do it. Let others do it for them. What could it hurt? Everyone says so! SIGH. Thank you for your reply! :)
      October 24, 2020 3:06 AM MDT