"The kids were brought over by COYOTES and CARTELS". Yes. He said that. That is his reply.
The policy was to SEPARATE THE CHILDREN FROM THEIR PARENTS. They came with their parents and were separated from their parents and the parents were shipped off to GOD KNOWS WHERE and the dumb cluck duck cabal et al Don't have a CLUE to where. What world does the dumb cluck duck live? Another world? A different world? A dumb cluck duck world?.
The duck said "they were brought here by coyotes and cartels"
Clearly he is not a part of reality. Was that some schmuck on the yawn shinnity show or sucker farlson show who gave him that to use?
When shut up by that he veered to "who built the cages"? THAT WAS NOT THE QUESTION. BUT the dumb cluck duck doesn't ever answer the question. He veers to what he wants to say and the fact that it is in an alternate reality and verifies that he is inane and insane does not seem to bother him. At all. His peeps believe whatever he tells them. No exceptions.
And so it goes. Time well spent or time wasted? I don't know. We were able to stomach it and sit through it only because of the way Kristen controlled it. Was the duck on drugs? Could be. Anything is possible?