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Discussion » Questions » Language » What is an ALPHA MALE and is it anything like a MACHO DUDE? Is it a good thing or un to be an Alpha anything? Why?

What is an ALPHA MALE and is it anything like a MACHO DUDE? Is it a good thing or un to be an Alpha anything? Why?

One of Trump's sons describe Trump as an Alpha Male. Good/bad/indifferent is it a compliment or an explanation for bad behavior?

Posted - October 14, 2016


  • 85
    It is a valiant attempt by a son to explain his father’s behaviour. DT never developed beyond the stage of being a deuterostome.
      October 17, 2016 12:34 PM MDT

  • 113301
     I had to look up "deuterostome". Thanks for your reply Grasshopper and the new word. It certainly applies here since I keep thinking of the Donald as The Mouth. I guess the nuts don't fall far from the tree do they? Happy Tuesday to thee m'dear! :)
      October 18, 2016 5:22 AM MDT

  • 85

    Happy Thursday to you Rosie. You know, not a lot of people ever heard the word “deuterostome”!

    Here’s an amusing anecdote.

    When I first discovered that word not so long ago, I had to look it up and on Google I found a funny definition, a variation of which I used some time later when at a friend’s house I met this very cocky person who …. seemed to be in great need of attention.

    He knew everything and couldn’t stop himself from correcting others, but he entertained people, some laughed politely although others would look up at the ceiling and roll their eyes.

    Anyway, the opportunity to put him in his place presented itself when our Mr Wise Guy began to lecture everyone on ‘evolution’, some of which was actually out of date.

    So, long story short, I said something like:

    “Guy, this is not exactly about evolution but it’s interesting nonetheless. You’re the sort of person who would know this but for those who do not know, here’s a shocking fact.

    Humans are deuterostomes! It means, when humans develop in the womb, the anus forms before any other opening.

    Essentially, it means that for a short while, each one of us is just an a$$hole.”

    Laughter all around but then the punch line:

    “The interesting fact is that some people never develop beyond that stage!”

    It sent people into hysterics but Mr Wise Guy still wanted to know better and, in the chaos of people’s ecstatic laughter, he questioned how anyone could just be a hole ….!!!! … and that was the icing on the cake.

    People were falling all over the place laughing.

      October 20, 2016 12:53 PM MDT