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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » ODD. Some of those who believe that ALL THINGS COME FROM GOD are virulently anti-science. They see no problem with that view. Do you?

ODD. Some of those who believe that ALL THINGS COME FROM GOD are virulently anti-science. They see no problem with that view. Do you?

Posted - October 28, 2020


  • 3719

    They fail to realise that firstly, religion tries to ask Who made everything in Nature, and possibly Why, but not How and When; whereas Science concentrates on the How and When. The "Why?" is so hard a question I doubt neither scientists nor theologians try to explain it.

    Secondly they seem unable to grasp that theirs are not the only sincerely-held religious beliefs, and some sharply divide the world into two strands: their own version of Christianity and all else as Atheism. Science has to stay above religious differences because religion is not its remit, and science is an international endeavour involving scientists of all faiths and none.

    Thirdly, scriptural literalism offers an apparent "certainty" and an absolute vision of its own unquestionable "truth"; whereas science thrives on uncertainty and questioning as it seeks to understand what we do not know. I think a lot of non-religious people who are anti-science share the fundamentalists' basic fear and ignorance of uncertainty.

    Fourthly they find it hard to believe anyone can believe in both God and Science - see (1) above. Yes, science might make it hard to believe the Universe and everything is being driven by a supernatural being or force, but there are plenty of professional scientists who are religious; and many religious people who might not be scientists but do appreciate what science finds. Theologically, if you believe in a creative deity then you can accept science as revealing and celebrating ever more of that deity's work.

    I am not a believer but regard the anti-science literalism as at best very self-limiting intellectually and spiritually, but at worst demeaning to the scriptures' original authors and to God Himself.
      October 30, 2020 3:20 PM MDT

  • 113301
    If GOD is the cause of all they are REJECTING one of things HE made. Now what "believer" would do that? Aren't those beliefs contradictory for those who pray to GOD...omnipresent omnicient omnipotent? Thank you for your thoughtful reply Durdle. "Praise GOD from whom all blessings flow" is a hymn. ALL BLESSINGS FLOW including science. So how can they sing that song but decry science? That was what I meant. :)
      October 31, 2020 2:43 AM MDT

  • 3719
    Well, we agree there! That's what I mean too.

    If they think God's greatest gift to us, apart from life anyway of course, is our intellect, they have a strange way of celebrating it.

    I have also thought for a long time that they fail to see the irony of using the Internet to preach their message.  
      November 1, 2020 9:10 AM MST

  • 113301
    Between thee and me they have no clue vis a vis irony or poetic justice or what goes around comes around. They have no past and no future. They live IN THE MOMENT only and that explains how they can contradict and be hypocrites and be completely oblivious to it. Less than mediocre intellect for sure. Not one GOOD mind with all of them combined. Now some are liars and pretend they adore the dumb cluck duck and truly DESPISE him. How many I don't know. But they are all excellent pretenders and liars and actors so odds are good that thousands nay millions of them barf when the duck speaks but pretend to be entranced. Pay is good. That's what the driver is. Probably. Thank you for your reply Durdle. Ignorant is tolerable if the ignoarmus seeks to repair that status. Dumb? Intolerable. Hopeless. Useless. :)
      November 2, 2020 5:22 AM MST