Men and women and combinations dressed in fatigues carrying LOADED weapons making their presence known in cities and towns to "comfort" you. How swell. White supremacists/militias. Same thing. White domestic terrorists are the biggest terrorist threat to Americans per our FBI.
My oh my.
Well the dumb cluck duck did tell them to stand back and STAND BY. They took him at his word. Millions of them? Hundreds of thousands of them? Thousands of them. Hundreds? Dozens? One?
They took the dumb cluck duck at his word. They are ready.
Meanwhile they meander around with frowns staring people down all around towns.
Another fantastic legacy of the dumb cluck duck. What else does he have in store? You do WANT MORE right?
One militia 'man" said it was probably likely there could be a civil war in the aftermath of the election. That is what the dumb cluck duck is hoping for, banking on and determined to see done.
What country IS THIS? Dumb cluck duckland. What country did it swallow whole? The United States of America. When did the swallow whole happen? January 20, 2017. RIP