Discussion»Questions»Life and Society» The dog ate my homework. The teacher hates me. The sun was in my eyes. The election is rigged. Excuse for failure. Do you buy? Why?
I don't buy anything without taking it for a test drive and so far, all I've seen is failure, lies and mysogyny wrapped in bull feces. Eat up, Amerika!
Oh geez Louise GJ! Is that actually sh** on top of it? Oy vey. Apple Pie and I shall never meet again. This graphic is way graphic for which I thank thee immensely! Happy Saturday my friend. It's gonna get a whole lot worser though. How I don't know but trust me it will. Believe it! :(
It's a wonderfuly articulate piece of art, isn't it? Metaphorically, it's spot-on and simplistically brilliant in it's message I'd love to have that on a a T-Shirt