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What would happen if every president were LEGALLY FORCED TO KEEP EVERY PROMISE HE/SHE MADE? OR ELSE?

Posted - October 30, 2020


  • 3719
     No-one would stand for election, that's what would happen! :-)
      October 30, 2020 2:36 PM MDT

  • 113301
    OR Pols would only promise what they KNEW they could deliver? Thank you for your repy Durdle. Brings up a qustion I shall ask! :)
      October 31, 2020 2:57 AM MDT

  • 3719
    Possibly, but the nature of politics and administration in an increasingly difficult world is that with the best will and ability going, no-one can sensibly promise anything more than trying to deliver something.

    The main cause is that however many analysts you consult, however clever and experienced the senior politicians, diplomats and civil-servants, no-one can see the future in any but rather broad general terms and educated guesses, as this pandemic is teaching us. 
      November 1, 2020 9:28 AM MST

  • 113301
    Unless our "leadership" changes Tuesday the United States will be decimated with 4 more years of the dumb cluck duck and his quacks. Stay tuned. Thank you for your thoughtful reply m'dear! I know you'll be watching.
      November 2, 2020 3:31 AM MST

  • 3719
    Well, listening in my case, to the News, as I have no TV, but I'll probably leave it until the complete result is announced.

    Besides, at the moment Britain has a rather more directly pressing matter, that of a 4-week lock-down starting on Thursday.

    Governmentally, what will matter to the UK over the Presidential election result will be future US foreign policy; but from a humanity point of view we certainly hope the worst fears of what might happen within American society do not come about. 

      November 2, 2020 2:06 PM MST

  • 113301
    I know. I asked a question about it yesterday Durdle. Condolences and good luck. In our country at least for today, election day, there will be no rallies because it's illegal to politic on election day. I think. On the other hand legalities or lack thereof never bothers the dumb cluck duck so who knows? Thank you for your reply! :)
      November 3, 2020 2:13 AM MST

  • 3719
    I don't k now if it's actually illegal or just not done, but Britain's politicians all "lie low" as one commentator put it, on election day, while reporting Trump telephoning Fox News this morning. 
      November 3, 2020 12:54 PM MST

  • 113301
    With many millions of votes yet to count the dumb cluck duck has declared he won and wants all further counting to STOP. Expects to go to the Supremes to get his way.

    I'll tell ya Durdle we are living through the looking glass and can't seem to escape it. Well when we die hopefully we will be free of it. Until then? The millions of "amercian" citizens who adore the monster have totally depressed me. I really thought they'd come to their senses but I see they love the guy no matter the evil he has done and promises to do. How do you fight that? Thank you for your reply! :)
      November 4, 2020 1:50 AM MST

  • 3719
    I heard that part of Trump's speech, broadcast on the BBC News - including him saying "voting" rather than "counting"!

    I can't see his attempt to stop it succeeding. His announcement with its outright allegation of fraud startled the world, all waiting for the eventual result and subsequent foreign policies; and all watching him.

    I gather this would not be the first American presidential election decided by the Supreme Court or this electoral college system, which I don't pretend to understand, but many American commentators Republican, Democrat and neutral, and foreign correspondents have described this election as being particularly difficult and divisive. 

    Among the foreign governments watching with great interest are the totalitarian ones, especially of China, North Korea, Russia. A shambolic election with a lot of bitter arguments and law-suits in the nation that likes everyone to think it the bastion of democracy and good governance, is a huge propaganda gift to them.

    Interesting to hear that if the Democrats win they will re-apply to join the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. I understand this would be a fairly straightforward process. I wonder if they would also seek to support the World Health Organisation, and the nuclear treaty with Iran, again.

    [As I type, the News is on the radio. One journalist has just explained why the Democrats did poorly in Florida - it is home to very many ex-Cubans and others who understandably fear the word "Socialist" as the Republicans describe the Democrats, having escaped Communist regimes that describe themselves as "socialist". So Florida is red... but...

    ... Right-wing so "Blue" to me! That colour difference is one of the things that confused me. In Britain and much of Europe, Red is associated with Left-Wing politics, Blue with Right; but American politics seems to reverse the colour-code and its Left-Right spectrum seems generally well to the Right of ours.]   

      November 4, 2020 5:20 PM MST

  • 113301
    At present Joe Biden has 264 electoral college votes and the dumb cluck duck has 214. Last I heard. What is needed to cinch the win is 270. So you can see the desperation inherent in everything the dumb cluck duck and his cabal of quacks are engaging in. Ludicrous and shamefully embarrassing. He plays it out on the world stage unaware and indifferent to his making a huge fool of himself. He lives in  his head 24/7 which explains his infinite limitations. So far I have not heard of any bloodshed by his weaponized adoring worshippers but once Joe reaches 270 who knows? I am not responsible for him since I did not vote for him. He has MILLIONS of supporters. That is the most scarifying thing to me. I am surrounded by crackpot nutjob wacakadoodles who believe the dumb cluck duck is the best thing since sliced bread and is doing a terrific job! Oy vey! Condolences to America. Good luck to us. Etcetera etcetera etcetera. Thank you for your reply Durdle. All good thoughts are greatly appreciated! :):):)
      November 5, 2020 2:58 AM MST

  • 3719
    Well, yes Trump has millions of supporters,  but evidently Biden does too. I thought it would be close.

    Aside from that, going back to your original question, it seems almost any accidental gaffe or mistake made by any politician, senior civil-servant or top director of a major organisation is met with howls of outrage, calls for "heads to roll", there must be a full public inquiry", "blah-blah-blah".

    I reckon if every call was heeded nothing would get done - there would be no-one left to repair the damage, no-one would want to step forwards to do that, and anyway everyone would be too busy attending in inquiries to do it anyway!
      November 5, 2020 1:38 PM MST