Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » A pro dumb cluck duck was interviewed and among what she said was this..."Democrats always tell lies". Odd. Isn't it pro ducks who lie?

A pro dumb cluck duck was interviewed and among what she said was this..."Democrats always tell lies". Odd. Isn't it pro ducks who lie?

The pro dumb cluck ducks believe Democrats all lie and the dumb cluck duck always truth tells.

We anti dumb cluck ducks including FORMER REPUBLICANS says Republicans all lies especially the dumb cluck duck.

Now the pro ducks only ever listen to and watch FAUX news and adore yawn shinnity and sucker farlson. GURU GOODY BOYS. Pro ducks look down upon Democrats best case as being gullible and foolable. Worst case as being devious deceitful and purposely lying SOB's. See?

What we read and to whom we listen matters. Embracing LIES 24/7 is heaven sent for some. He**ish for others. You are only as true as what you read and listen to. Almost 4 years of daily attacks insults and lies has taken its toll. The homo sapheads who flock to hear the dumb cluck duck lie are lost souls. They will never be redeemed. They will never admit they were duped conned scammed. So if you don't ask for forgiveness for your sins how can you be forgiven? They live breathe and some die and more will die believing in the dumb cluck duck and every word he ever said. Truth cannot break through the wall of lies that the dumb cluck duck has built his entire life. Why some are so susceptible to it I cannot explain.

Posted - November 3, 2020
