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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Per rick grinnell (who the he** is that?) there have been a bazillion fraudulent votes cast. When asked for proof he gave none. Know why?

Per rick grinnell (who the he** is that?) there have been a bazillion fraudulent votes cast. When asked for proof he gave none. Know why?

Because there is none. Because it didn't happen.

But well you know the drill.  CRY RAPE as loud and as often as you can figuratively. Enough gullibles will believe you. They NEVER NEED proof.

You know. The usual. Typical.

Posted - November 6, 2020


  • 35006
    They can prove dead people voted and people who no longer live in the state. ILLEGAL VOTES.
      November 6, 2020 6:58 AM MST