Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What is your DEFAULT MODE? Mine is Very Serious. I rarely joke around. I do love to laugh but not at things like death or dying. You?

What is your DEFAULT MODE? Mine is Very Serious. I rarely joke around. I do love to laugh but not at things like death or dying. You?

Posted - November 8, 2020


  • 10562
    My default mode is humor.   It's not that I don't take things seriously, rather that if I take things too seriously, I stress out and sink into deep  depression (which is physically damaging). 
    I will admit that I have been known to be humorous at funerals.  I don't handle death too well.  As an empath, absorbing everyone else's sadness and grief is overwhelming (suffocating).  Walking away doesn't help, as I can feel people's emotions over great distances.
      November 8, 2020 1:36 PM MST

  • 113301
    Ever watch the Mary Tyler Moore Show? There was an episode about CHUCKLES THE CLOWN. Mary started giggling during his funeral. Humor is often at someone's expense. Now if that someone is a jerk that's one thing. But some folks are unkind and use "I was just joking" to cover up being very unkind. Even worse is "can't you take a joke"? I have enjoyed your humor m'dear and it has not been at my expense. I think you quite understand what my point is. And about your being empath. It's bad enough when one isn't. The tragedies of others will get to us just because we are human beings. So feeling deeply what others feel? I cannot see the upside to that since of late and for a few years now there has been so much to mourn. Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Monday. I don't think there is any cure or remedy or vaccine one can take to protect against pain. If humor mitigates a little bit it seems like a miracle to me if you can pull it off.:)
      November 9, 2020 1:30 AM MST