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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I wonder how things work in heaven? Should there be one of course. If so do we have the same professions up there as we did down here?

I wonder how things work in heaven? Should there be one of course. If so do we have the same professions up there as we did down here?

Will our teachers continue to educate us? Our artists continue to shower us with the talent? I mean we can't just be sitting down sitting around doing nothing. That would not be a heaven I'd enjoy. Sloth is not my cuppa tea.

What would you like heaven to be if you could design it?

Posted - November 10, 2020


  • 10572
    Our fleshly minds cannot fathom how awesome heaven actually will actually be (beyond our capability of understanding),No matter what anyone pictures heaven to be like, it will be infinitely times greater ... and to the nth degree.  It will be beyond what this physical world was.  The bible hints to a few things about it - no genders, no sun, no oceans,and such.   Heaven will be like what the Garden of Eden was like before sin entered ... perfect.   In heaven we will be worshiping God.  Sitting around doing nothing isn't worshiping God.  Using the gifts He gave us, is.  I believe that we will have "abilities" there, may not exactly like the ones we had here.  Whatever they may be, they won't be corrupted by sin.  

    Wondering about heaven is ok, but the paramount thing is to make sure now that we're going to get to go there.  Hoping and praying wont get anyone there, neither will trying to do a bunch of good deeds.  Only Jesus can get anyone there.  Anyone who is NOT clothed in Christ will NEVER see heaven. 
      November 10, 2020 12:53 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your comprehensive and thoughtful reply Shuhak. I have my own idea of what I want. I want to be with the people I loved on earth who passed on. I want to be with the pets I had doing the things I love doing.I think heaven is different for everyone Shuhak. Idealized and specialized and fit to size. You may be right but I still have my own idea. I don't think GOD minds at all. HE gave me this brain after all. How could HE possibly be upset that I use it? :)
      November 10, 2020 12:58 PM MST

  • 10572
    He definitely doesn't mind.  In fact, He wants us to (the bible says so).  I too would love to see my old pets again.  And I know God has the power to grant that.  Everyone has their own idea of what heaven will be like.  Since everyone is unique, that's an infinite number of ideas.  Maybe heaven will be what each person wants it to be.  I have no clue.  What I do know is that however God has it, it will be beyond anything we could have ever imagined or hoped for.
    God earnestly desires for everyone to be there with Him too.  It's sad to think that there are many who won't. (got to have Jesus!)
      November 10, 2020 1:37 PM MST

  • 113301
    I think we have to be grateful for whom we are in that regard Shuhak. How we were raised matters a lot in whom we become. We take what makes sense and carry forward with it and leave behind what doesn't. At least I think that's what people do.But if we had never been exposed to it and were raised by other people whom would we be? I have no idea. I just know I'm thankful for the parents I had. Going to church on Sunday. Teaching nursery school kids about Jesus when I was 12. What I left behind as I got older wasn't GOD. It was whatever got in the way. Church and the people there telling me all about GOD second hand. As if they knew what I didn't. Well I didn't need them so I left. Much happier going direct. Thank you for your reply! :: This post was edited by RosieG at November 10, 2020 5:14 PM MST
      November 10, 2020 1:46 PM MST

  • I have difficulty believing the Christian idea of heaven.  I went to church as a child.  The descriptions of heaven I heard from the priests made heaven seem like an eternity of boredom.   I've heard different ideas about heaven, but some of those ideas make it seem more like hell.  If there is a heaven, and we have the same professions there, it would be hell for some people.  Another idea about heaven is that there's no marriage.  That would make it hell for those who were unlucky in love in this lifetime.
      November 10, 2020 6:14 PM MST

  • 113301
    Hi Sirea. Well I don't really know what the "christian" idea of heaven is. I know what my idea is. I know what heaven would be for me and that is what I hope will happen. it is very simple. I'd like to reuinited with all the people I've loved and lost. I'd like to hug the animals who were my pets that I still miss. Heaven would be absent hate but we would still disagree on things in normal discourse. But we would be polite and respectful and not CHOOSE SIDES or collude or sabotage or attack or insult or harm. Simple right? That's what I'd like most of all. As for what I'd do? Well I love to cook and I love to play Scrabble and I love to chat with people. I was an Internal Auditor so if GOD could use me for that I'm good with it. I don't see me just sitting down on a cloud floating around for eternity. I think Heaven is place that needs upkeep and I think we will have jobs to do. I think every person who believes in something more is entitled to seeing it as he/she would like it to be. Don't you? It's the same thing as reading a book and getting your own perspective on it. Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday to thee and thine! I don't look down on those who believe this is it. I don't look up to people who believe as I do. We are individuals with separate brains. We do the best we can! :)
      November 11, 2020 2:08 AM MST