Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» The person who lost the election has been MIA since he lost the election. HE TWEETS and hides from the public. Why the hiding?
He got 70 million votes Shuhak. 70 million American citizens believe he did such a great job they wanted 4 more years. Scary beyond scary. I will never get over it. Thank you for your reply! :)
You know Joe is such a nice guy I bet he wouldn't mind. Thank you for your reply L. One thing we know is that the person who lost the election CHEATS AT GOLF. Big surprise right? :)
I've heard that through the years. He always cheats and those who play with him humor him and let him believe that they believe his lies. I wonder what would have happened if every time he lied the person he lied to called him on it? Thank you for your reply L! :)
He probably golfs with people who want something from him, so they humor him. I, too, wonder what would have happened if, as he was growing up, every time he lied, someone called him on it.