Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Our relatives are in Arizona, Nevada and Hawaii so it's just the two of us sheltering in place at home on Thanksgiving. What about you?
That's wise. In two weeks there'll be many more cases and deaths. No sense pushing our luck. Just be grateful we are still alive and ok so far. Thank you for your reply L! :)
My thinking exactly. I will however be going down to PA for Christmas because my niece who lives in Colorado is coming in and I haven't seen her since May 11, 2019 when we had our family reunion.
I fear by then things will be much worse L. I hope they are better! We know that at least 70 million peole will not be masking or social distancing. They will simply ignore and go about their lives and in so doing will doom the rest of us to perpetual threats of getting sick and dying. I see no end to it. 70 million is a lot of people. 70 million who voted for 4 more years of the person who lost the election. 70 million! My gawd! Thank you for your reply! :)
Well, I'm hoping that since we are all taking precautions and I'm not taking public transportation down there, I'm driving, that we can have a couple of days together without getting sick. I guess we'll see.
I think that's very very wise E. Allegedly things will be getting worse before they get better. And remember the 70 million who voted for the person who lost the election will be ignoring masking social distancing and so we are at their mercy. Better to stay hermitically sealed inside our homes as much as we can. 70 million and they will have sex and babies and train them to be the same. I try not to think about it. I'm not succeeding. Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday to thee and thine! :)