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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The person who said the military is full of losers and suckers who lost the election is laying a Wreath today at Arlington. WHY?

The person who said the military is full of losers and suckers who lost the election is laying a Wreath today at Arlington. WHY?

For the photo op of course. Remember he ordered the teargassing of peaceful protesters so they'd leave so he could saunter in front of a check bible in hand (upside down) for a photo op

The wreath is laid yearly at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. As if he gave a whit of a rat's a** about that! But it's a photo so why miss it even if the point of it is irrelevant to him. In and out. Smile. Thumbs up. Leave. Hide. Tweet. The busy life of a lameduck.

Anything for a photo op. You name he will do it.

Here's what I wonder. Is there no one else as offended or incensed about this as I am? If so why? If not where are you out there commenting on his nerve his chutzpah his gutless pretense? Where?

Posted - November 11, 2020


  • 10572
    his very existence relies on attention.  Without attention he is nothing.  Never has been, never will be.  Look back on his life.  There's not one tiem where he isn't desperately seeking attention (mannerisms, words, actions, etc.)
    he reached the pinnacle of attention - "ruler" of a nation (all eyes on him).  There's nowhere to go from there but down (less to almost no attention)... and it terrifies him.
      November 11, 2020 11:15 AM MST

  • 113301
    The enormous disrespect to our military bothers me so bigly Shuhak. Does it bother them? I can't figger it out. Is the military still pro the person who lost the election even though he called them losers and suckers? It is a very queerly peculiar world these days. Things and people used to make a lot more sense. Now nonsense is the daily food. Go figger! Thank you for your reply! :)
      November 11, 2020 11:44 AM MST