Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» A million new cases of COVID 19 in the US in one and one-half weeks? Seriously? Thanks a lot to the one who lost the election. HIS LEGACY?
It is being floated that the person who lost the election will accept the results but will never admit he lost. Nice work if you can get it. How that contradiction filters through such a brain I cannot imagine. But until January 20, 2021 we live on the edge of an unknown potentiality. Precariously. Thank you for your reply Shuhak.
This post was edited by RosieG at November 13, 2020 6:07 AM MST
Ah yes, the famous battle cry, Let's Blame Trump For Everything. Now, according to the Mayo Clinic, the case rate of Covid-19 is rising but the death rate continues to decrease. Something that some people either don't know, don't want to know or conveniently ignore. The reputable source figures are there for all to peruse. And by the way, the liberal biased media isn't one of the reputable sources.