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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » How worried are you that the person who lost the election will sell the top secret information he knows to the highest bidder?

How worried are you that the person who lost the election will sell the top secret information he knows to the highest bidder?

How much of a danger does that exigency pose to a "head" that clearly is loyal to himself only?

We know we can't trust him. We know he lusts after money. We know he has no loyalty to give to anyone or anything but his own self-interest.

So what are the odds that he spills his guts to Vlad or Kim or Erdogan or Duterte or Xi or any of the despot dictators he so admires adores respects and mimics? I forgot the crown prince of Saudi Arabia who ordered the torture and beheading of Khashoggi about whom the person wno lost the eection said he saved him from being prosecuted for the murder ordering?

Crapshoot. Russian Roulette. Sure thing. Not that he will or won't. But to whom will he?

If he can't have us no one can. That's how a crime of passion occurs. BOOM!

Posted - November 12, 2020


  • 10562
    Wait.. he actually knows something?  What'd the republican channel (aka fox news) say this time?

    (trump - Hey, Kimmy, Vlad ol' buddies.  I know where they keep the key to the liquor cabinet.  Wanna come over and have some fun?  We'll get drunk, throw up on the constitution and then go and toilet paper the statue of liberty.)
      November 12, 2020 10:47 AM MST

  • 113301
    What about Launch Codes Shuhak? Or whatever is the most sacred secrets? Oh I have to ask that question. Do you have any idea what the most sacred secrets are? I seriously did not think about that at ll until I watched some news yesterday and that is what the Intelligence community allegedly fears most. We know the person who lost the election has a big mouth and likes to brag and speaks out of turn all the time about everything. He allegedly spilled secrets to Russians about some Israeli top secret stuff. Just to make conversation. In his revenge retaliation vendetta mode what will he do? How many things can we worry about at one time? I'm gonna ask that too. My worry jar is already spilling over. Yours? Thank you for your reply Shuhak. Yes I know you're teasing but many a truth is said in jest. TPing the status of liberty would be something to see wouldn't it? :(
      November 13, 2020 2:30 AM MST

  • 10963
    I'm a little worried about that but if he does he will find himself in a military jail faster then he can walk down a ramp. Trump probally knows that too so I figure he will not risk it instead he will make things up and claim (in a round about way) that he has top secret info on Biden or something like that. Cheers!
      November 12, 2020 12:12 PM MST

  • 113301
    So from your Canadian point of view m'dear you think we the people CAN TRUST our military to protect us from the person who lost the election? I'm not so sure. The person who lost the election FIRED lots of folks in lots of places and replaced them with his lemming toady sycophant a**kissers. Doesn't bode well for us methinks. I hope, as usual, that your take is spot on and mine is totally out of the question! Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday to thee and thine! :)
      November 13, 2020 2:33 AM MST