Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Normally a person who keeps lying about truth is ignored or written off. He is not elected president. Was in 2016. Wasn't in 2020! PROGRESS?
What put the nail in Hillary's coffin was Comey announcing a new investigation into her emails or something ten days before the election. Remember? If not for that I believe she would have won. I see no such similar thing occurring here at all. There is no last minute singular abomination alleged. The abomination was one when he hit the decks running on inauguration day. No outside big scandal hit. There were already so many it would be hard to choose from among them. My take on it. If the person who lost the election had at least done the right thing about COVID 19 FROM THE VERY BEGINNING we'd have had a lot less ammunition and maybe a hundred thousand or more of us who are dead might not have died. But his callous knowing and covering it up and ridiculing and mocking at attacking and insulting and firing the good and hiring the creeps could not be ignored. So he hoisted himself on his own petard. No Comey to get in that last thrust. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)