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Flint Ironstag
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Rest assured we will never be rid of him while he lives on this plane. He has an army of millions ready to do his bidding. SCARED?

Rest assured we will never be rid of him while he lives on this plane. He has an army of millions ready to do his bidding. SCARED?

You should be. He will continue to rile and stoke hate every minute of every day. He will be out there in your face every day attacking insulting demanding ordering. How many millions are there who are QANONS PROUD BOYS KKK NAZIS MILITIA WHITE SUPREMACISTS BOOGALOOS BOGEYMEN/BOGEYWOMEN armed and ready for battle? I don't know but I bet it's a bigly bunch.

We know he is capable of any indecency duplicity vile venal vitriolic vendetta and he will not shut up he will speed up and open up and keep it up.

So what do we do about him? I don't know. I'm not smart enough to figure it out. Are you?

Posted - November 14, 2020
