Are you one? Did you have at least one if not two?
All parents are people. And, believe it or not, NO ONE is "good" at parenting when they start.
Parenting is something that’s nearly impossible to prepare for. No book, no documentary, and no other person can prepare someone to be a parent. It’s strictly a "learn as you go" experience. All people aren’t the same, all births aren’t the same, all kids aren’t the same, all situations aren’t the same, ..... About the only thing that is the same is how to make the kid (and they’re even trying to change that too). Sure, someone else can show you how to change a diaper, but no one can prepare you for what’s inside one of them (and I though Uncle Louis smelled bad). Parenting doesn’t get easier as more kids come along, just more routine. In fact, by the time you think you’ve finally got it down, your kids are all grown up. (Let’s see… who else had kids so I can tell them how to raise them the right way?)
Every parent has their own unique way of raising their children. It's usually a mix of what their friend told them, what they saw others do while they were growing up, what they saw on TV and in movies, and how their parents raised them. Most parents don’t want to be told how to raise their kids. Unfortunately, people are experts on how to raise other people’s children. - You’re doing it wrong. I did it this way and...; you know, you really should...; if you don’t you discipline them like this, or make them do that….
(You know…if you’re so good at raising children, how come your kids are such brats?)