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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I miss the America that used to be very bigly. For those of you "of a certain age" do you miss it too? What would you give to live it now?

I miss the America that used to be very bigly. For those of you "of a certain age" do you miss it too? What would you give to live it now?

The America to which I refer was the UNITED America especially obvious during World War 2. We who stayed at home did our part to support those who went to war. We did without things like butter and sugar and experienced rationing. We used to say "butter for guns" meaning that whatever we did without could be utilized for the war effort.

Men went to war. Women went to factories to do those jobs. Celebrities got together and created "canteens" where soldiers could go for a little relaxation. There were WAR BOND drives and many celebrities used that fame to help in the war effrot. Celebrities like Bob Hope spent years entertaining the troops. There were no pockets of anti-American hate or sabotage or traitoring or treasoning which we have experienced of late via the 2020 election loser. HATE RALLIES is what we have today. HATE rallies that millions of so-called "amurricans" attend and cheer and stomp and shout out about their HATE. There were not 72 million haters of America as there are now. We have the fancy dancy electronics. SO WHAT? We also have millions of people who are racists and HATE and spew lies and manure (sh**) whenever they can to undermine fellow citizens. That is a lousy trade off for the America that used to be. The one I was privileged to grow up in and during.

Whatever. I would be surprised if I am the only one who feels that way. I'd gather that 78 million of us who voted for decemcy and honor and integrity feel the same. But the 72 million who voted for the devil spawn? Intolerable. Disgusting. Beneath contempt.

Posted - November 15, 2020
