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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I just read about this and have to share. Did you already know?

I just read about this and have to share. Did you already know?

More lawyers bailed from the fake "election fraud" lawsuits. The last one is most fun. It seems RudyG held a press conference at the 4 seasons landscape company....nestled between an "adult" bookstore and a Crematorium. He went on and on about the "rigged" election and conspiracy theoried and election vote fraud bullpuckey yadayadayadayada.....

So the lawyers bolted from this crackpot wackadoodlenenoodle wingnut. Amazing how thick and obtuse and blockheaded they all are. Isn't it?

Of course all the bazillion election fraud lawsuits the loser and his ambulances chasers keep filing keep getting thrown back in their faces. NO PROOF. NO EVIDENCE. Judges just LOVE having their time wasted and the court being mockied and ridiculed.

They keep doing what isn't working further cementing the proof of how stupid dumb they all are. How they cannot learn from what doesn't work shift gears. We all know this. They never will. Fun to watch keystone kops keystone kopping isn't it? Dumb & dumber. three stooges.

Posted - November 15, 2020


  • 10562
    Even judges are throwing his suits out, citing lack of evidence.  The man just wants attention and cannot accept that he lost at something.  his limelight is about to go away and that terrifies him.  he lives off attention and glory (that's why he lies so much).  To be deprived of all that attention and power is unthinkable.  he';s been playing president as if it were a TV show role.  But now he was fired from the show and no conniving, lies or bribes can change that fact.  

    rudy likes to think he's some kind of genius; but in reality, he's not even smart enough to be an idiot.  he too craves attention.  Just like his boss, every time he opens his mouth, he's bragging... which reveals how stupid he really is.

    Together, these two men are utterly laughable.  Absurd.  Farcical.  Ludicrous. 
      November 15, 2020 11:26 AM MST

  • 113301
    I think what is really terrifying the loser is that once he loses the protection of the presidency his a** will be roasted and toasted by multiple LAWSUITS coming at him from all directions. He is a corrupt criminal who has gotten away with anything he wanted to get away with....TEMPORARILY! He believe the supremes will save his a** and declare him president. He is that stupid dumb. The bottom of barrel is what he is. You know what? If we can survive the very worst everything will be coming up roses for us futurely. He was the ultimate test and if we pass it then good times await us! Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      November 16, 2020 2:40 AM MST

  • 10562
    And if they don't declare him the winner, he'll just pardon himself of any so-called "crimes" he may have (accidentally) committed along the way.
      November 16, 2020 10:49 AM MST