More lawyers bailed from the fake "election fraud" lawsuits. The last one is most fun. It seems RudyG held a press conference at the 4 seasons landscape company....nestled between an "adult" bookstore and a Crematorium. He went on and on about the "rigged" election and conspiracy theoried and election vote fraud bullpuckey yadayadayadayada.....
So the lawyers bolted from this crackpot wackadoodlenenoodle wingnut. Amazing how thick and obtuse and blockheaded they all are. Isn't it?
Of course all the bazillion election fraud lawsuits the loser and his ambulances chasers keep filing keep getting thrown back in their faces. NO PROOF. NO EVIDENCE. Judges just LOVE having their time wasted and the court being mockied and ridiculed.
They keep doing what isn't working further cementing the proof of how stupid dumb they all are. How they cannot learn from what doesn't work shift gears. We all know this. They never will. Fun to watch keystone kops keystone kopping isn't it? Dumb & dumber. three stooges.