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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The duck and mike pompousa** are in cahoots to undermine sabotage poison shred blow up everything. Know where the a** is today?

The duck and mike pompousa** are in cahoots to undermine sabotage poison shred blow up everything. Know where the a** is today?

In Israel at the West Bank Settlement or something. WHY? Because he plans to run for president in 2024 (the duck doesn't know that) and he believe he is presidenting by doing that sucking up to Jewish folks so the evangelicals will support him unless the duck does in fact again. The a** is full of himself and really believes he has a shot at presidenting for real legally.

So now ya know where your tax dollars are going. Feels great don't it though?

Posted - November 19, 2020


  • 3719
    That visit was reported here, and my reaction was, "What the hell does he think he is doing there?" 

    It seems that the last few years has seen Israel and the US doing all they can to side-line the Palestinians, most of whom simply want a country they can call Palestine and which has not lost any more land to Israel.

    I wondered if the visit was cynically designed and timed purely to make life difficult for a fellow-American, the President-Elect of the USA, not to help bring any sort of lasting peace to distant foreign countries. 
      November 19, 2020 2:48 PM MST

  • 33889
    Palestinians have been offered their own country many times.  But as a condition they have to agree not to attack Israel.....that always seems to be their breaking point. 
      November 19, 2020 3:28 PM MST

  • 3719
    It was all their own country, at one time!

    They have been offered it, but look at ot from their point of view: the League of Nations, as it was then, carved modern Israel out of what had been the British protectorate of Palestine, causing enormous dislocation and distress to everyone living there. The idea had been mooted originally by Britain but it was the UN's predecessor who decided to, and actually did, partition the country. So offering it back must seem at least patronising; but would the Palestinians end up with the poorer lands? And would Israel stop stealing more and more of that land?

    Both are as bad as the other when it comes to attacks etc., but the "West" has to work to help both sort themselves out, and it won't do that by favouring one and side-lining the other for reasons of domestic politics.
      November 19, 2020 3:46 PM MST

  • 33889
    Palistine was NEVER its own country. NEVER. Before the war it was for centuries part of the Ottoman Empire. After the war it was ruled by the British.   After they got tired of dealing with the violence. They pulled out. And each were offered the 2 state solution. Each have their own country. Israel agreed. Palestine did not. 1948 Israel declared themselves an independent country.  They were immediately attacked.  They won. And won every other war when they were again attacked.  Wars have consequences.  Israel is a country and they have every right to exist. And they are willimg to allow Palestine to exist on their own as well....if they simply agree that Israel also has that right. 

    US won the war with Mexico and gained many of our southern states. Wars have consequences and we will not we returning that land to Mexico and no one should expect Israel to it is either. This post was edited by my2cents at November 20, 2020 5:50 AM MST
      November 19, 2020 5:29 PM MST

  • 113301
      November 20, 2020 2:00 AM MST

  • 113301
    ((HUGS)) Pardon the impertinence but it's a virtual hug m'dear. PRECISELY! EXACTAMUNDO! I'm with you and on the side of the Palestinians which makes me a pariah here. I don't care. Fair is fair and nothing about this has been fair.

    I believe the orange duck and his cabal are purposely going to throw monkeywrenches in everything they can to make things very difficult for President Joe Biden. Also the scuttlebutt has been that the a** has designs on being president so he is taking a turn at presidenting. Of course the duck cabal adores all of it. None of them care a whit about their country. The are all shams cons parasites. A pox on their houses. It is going to get much worse. The orange duck will start wars if he can. Whatever he can do to harm he will do. His capacity for revenge retaliation vendetta is LIMITLESS. Thank you for noticing Durdle. I appreciate it. Thank you for your thoughtful and informed reply! :)
      November 20, 2020 1:59 AM MST