Trump election campaign asks judge to declare him winner in Pennsylvania
Trump vaccine team will not brief Biden Administration
Lara Trump reportedly considering running for senate in north carolina
Trump targets vote certification in late bid to block Biden
GOP increasingly accepts trump defeat but not in public
Trump influence seen in deadlock of Michigan election board
Republican senate says it will confirm the Biden Cabinet picks in Januar
rudyg says someone should cut off the heads of democrats as he makes a throat-slashing motion on FAUX
US tries to stop trump from selling $23 billion in arms sales to the UAE (united arab emirates)
trump shifts strategy to hold power, deny Biden
Jenna ellis trump current top lawyer once called him one of the greatest threats to our liberty
Mark meadows trump chief of staff says he cannot guarantee we will avoid a fed gubment shutdown in Dec.
Election servers in Germany show trump at 410 electoral college votes and Biden 128
Treas secty mnuchin wants to redirect $580 billion of unspent stimulus to prop small business
Georgia secty of state CERTIFIES election as trump attempts to undermine it
Trump pushes new environmental rollbacks on his way out the door
Tucker carlson "dead voters report" has embarrassingly blown up in his face
Per rudyg Detroit and Philadelphia are controlled by Dems. They can get away with anything they want
So instead of asking all these question I ask one so you can peruse all the sh** going on. You decide what you want to comment or ignore. I report. You decide.