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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What's the duck and y'all gonna do about Tucker Carlson? Shoot him dead? Blow him up?

What's the duck and y'all gonna do about Tucker Carlson? Shoot him dead? Blow him up?

Tucker Carlson REAMED THE A** of that crackpot dame "sidney powell". The crackpot dame who alleges absurd outrageous "facts" that she cannot back up. None of them can backup what they say because they are all LIES.

Tucker tells us he invited the crackpot dame to be a guest on his show but required of her to send him PROOF that would substantiate her allegations. Repeatedly. Over and over again. He kept calling and asking and finally the crackpot dame sidney powell asked him to just stop calling her!

Which means she got nuthin'. Nothing but a lying mouth and whacked out brain and has no proof of anything others than that she is INSANE.

So whatcha gonna do to him? Whatcha gonna say? C'mon. Whatcha. Gonna. Do?

Posted - November 21, 2020


  • 35036
    I stopped watching Tucker a long time ago. He spins to much---twists it into a lie. 

    I was going to post a question hbased on something he said...but after farther reviewing it. He did not have accurate quotes.  It happened again and I decided he remembered to much from his time at CNN.   
    I do not trust Tucker. I do not trust CNN even if they have video. 
      November 21, 2020 6:18 AM MST