Discussion » Questions » Health and Wellness » Which is worse...being bitten by a rabid dog or the rabid supporter of a politician? Are both bites possibly deadly?

Which is worse...being bitten by a rabid dog or the rabid supporter of a politician? Are both bites possibly deadly?

Posted - October 16, 2016


  • Biologists, physicians, and scientists say there is no cure for rabies. Sociologists, psychologists and even historians say there is no cure for political fanaticism. Are both destructive? Sure. Choose your poison as the adage goes. This political cycle has shown fanaticism of an extreme nature on both ends of the spectrum. What is scary is the kind of fanaticism that finds extremism everywhere but under one's own nose. The hit dog barking loudest, as long as we're talking about rabies. 
      October 16, 2016 7:52 AM MDT