Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» We know duck will sabotage whatever he can to hobble Biden. Biden wants to rejoin the Paris Accord. Is duck already sabotaging that?
No I'm serious. I heard that he is actively sabotaging things in a way that when Joe has the power he won't have the necessary whatevers to join. I'm trying to find more about it. I would not be surprised. Would you? Thank you for your reply L.
Now that the GSA has the go-ahead to assist Biden in the transition, I doubt there will be much that he cannot find out that Trump is hiding from him, especially when it comes to national security. I cannot imagine a scenario where the Pentagon and other such agencies would keep Biden in the dark.
Difficult to see how he could do much, and then only within America. The Accord is with many other nations over whom Trump has no control, but whose governments and businesses will be watching and analysing the situation in the USA very closely.
More likely perhaps, and I imagine those international analysts would be considering this, would be individual States refusing to follow Federal Government regulations or policies in line with the Paris Accord, but I don't know what if any freedom they have to do that.
I see the People's Republic of China has set itself a target year for a Nett-0 Carbon economy, as far ahead as 2060 - probably a realistic estimate.