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Trump contests the election results. What is worst-case, best-cast scenario and which do you hope happens? Why?

Posted - October 16, 2016


  • I am persuaded that there is no such thing as a general election that's on the level. We've had to many of these things called into question over the last 150 years. There is however, no contesting the results by Trump or anyone else. What's ironic, is the fact that there was no chance in Hell that Clinton would lose this election, yet this will be a "landslide made to order" because it is extremely urgent to take both houses of Congress and create the illusion of an overwhelming mandate. 
      October 16, 2016 7:58 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Apologies PP but I don't understand your reply. My fault not yours. Thank you for your response and Happy Friday to thee! :)
      October 21, 2016 3:00 AM MDT

  • 691
    I hope voter fraud stops. I live in NY where the election commissioner who is a democrat said there is a lot of voter fraud. He said people get bussed from poll to poll. That has to stop.
      October 17, 2016 8:22 AM MDT

  • 18
    He can contest all he wants, comes down to if there is merit, saying it's rigged doesn't mean it's rigged there has to be demonstrated cause.
      October 20, 2016 12:51 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply Jenny. I guess we shall find out soon enough. We vote by mail and are mailing our ballots in today. Then we sit and watch and wait to see how it is going to end. :)
      October 21, 2016 2:59 AM MDT

  • 18
    Yep and who knows, could be some one like Evan McMullin or even Gary Johnson, can you even imagine that, GOP House, DEM Senate and Libertarian POTUS.....OMG what a mess we have going.   But what is great is, we are the USA and we will survive regardless the outcome.

    Have a great weekend Rosie
      October 21, 2016 7:25 AM MDT