Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» I expect it isn't only a duck that can't admit when he is wrong. I expect there are millions of others similarly weird wired. Why is that?
We all have hubris. EVERYONE, at one time or another, has refused to admit that they were wrong about something (more that likely thousands of times). No one likes to be wrong. Having to admit one is wrong can be embarrassing and awkward (whoops!). To avoid this feeling, some people will refuse to admit that they're wrong. One can't be embarrassed if they're always right (that's the other passions problem).
It isn't those who refuse to admit they're wrong with whom we have the problem. It's those who honestly and truly and sincerely believe they are right! Was it 73 million who voted for the duck this time? Now you don't think they'd vote for someone they didn't like would they? Why do they like him? I have no idea but they are the problem..the enablers...the facilitators. How do we get rid of them? They should go with duck somewhere else and let us get on with our lives and rebuild the country that all of them have conspired with duck to destroy. Do I really believe what I just wrote? I really do. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
Some voted for him just to be anarchists (trouble makers). Some because they honestly believed he would/could do what he said. Some strictly for party (republicans to the bitter end). Some because they were persuaded to (by family members, mailings, fox news, politicians, etc.) Some because they just didn't like Biden (as a person, because of his age, because of his faltering, etc.). Some because they thought Biden would lead the nation into socialism (Bernie Sanders fault there). And a few simply because they actually like the guy. (there's one in every crowd)
Some because Putin paid them to (for mother Russia) {this one is strictly for humor}
Fractured citizenry. I think and always will those who voted for him are STUPID DUMB. I do. I always will believe that. Whatever else may be involved is irrelevant to the fact of their intellectual inadequacy. I honestly and truly and really believe his supporters are way dumb. Else how could they possibly have done what they done done? Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)