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So, where will Trump be 2 months from now? Poll:

  • Dead  (we can only dream)
  • dead (I'm still wishing for it)
  • Tying up the elections results with cries of "fraud"
  • applying for positions with CNN or some FOX-worthy news broadcast and if he doesn't get hired, using the money he was going to use to front his campaign and buy a channel of his own.  TRUMP news.
  • Sell steaks again.  People have such bad memories
  • Go to Russia and sell our secrets, that he has no privy to and will make up as he goes along
  • Jail?  We can only DREAM

Posted - October 16, 2016


  • 44553
    Hopefully he won't be pushing any red buttons.
      October 16, 2016 10:19 AM MDT

  • 19
    Well , so you'd support HILLARY , as she is the only other person running who even stands a chance of getting elected ?

    I ask this because I'm wondering what you actually know about Hillary ... Like she left Four Americans to DIE in Benghazi  even though they had requested help for over eleven hours ? She is in favor of gun control so we cannot protect our home and loved ones ... she favors "Amnesty" for these ILLEGALS , who are nothing more than Criminals ,that cost the American taxpayers over 1.5 Trillion $$$$ per year .... She wants to bring in over 100,000 so called "Refugees" that will cost the American Taxpayers another 2-4 TRILLION $$$$ .... 

    Yet, we can't give those on Social Security , Veterans Benefits , etc a cost of living increase .... we have over 1 Million homeless and hungry AMERICANS , Men, Women, and Children, on the streets at any given time ; among them over 65,000 are American VETERANS .... 

    So , although I don't agree wit a lot that Mr. Trump has to say ... or things that he has done ; I still believe that he is what is best for America ... Isn't it time that Americans start taking care of Americans and America FIRST for a change ???? 

    ...... and for the record .... Two months from now; Donald Trump will be the new President of the United States of America ..... God bless America, Moms , and Apple Pie .. 
    This post was edited by KennyD at October 16, 2016 4:00 PM MDT
      October 16, 2016 10:45 AM MDT

  • 44553
    Your third paragraph sounds a bit Libertarian.
      October 17, 2016 10:55 AM MDT

  • 22891
    i have no idea
      October 16, 2016 6:37 PM MDT