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Will you be doing anything differently than you have been doing since March or are you already doing all you can to survive the pandemic?

Posted - December 3, 2020


  • 10562
    What more can I do? 

    - On those occasions that I have to venture into public, I carry hand sanitizer with me (use before removing mask too).  When I come home I strip in the garage and then wash all my clothes (non washables stay in the garage until needed again).
    - My sister does all the grocery shipping (to limit exposure)
    - I wipe down my groceries and then leave them in the garage for several days... just in case. 
    - Anything that's delivered (packages, mail) is placed in the garage for a minimum of 3 days.
    - I stay at home 99% of the month.  But if I have to go out, I only drive to essential places (doctor, hospital, optometrist/optician).. and occasionally around the block to keep the car battery alice and the oil flowing.  (I've been putting off getting my truck smogged, but eventually I will have to venture out and take care of it (stupid california!)).  
    - I wash my hands so much that I swear that I'm bolstering the drought.

    I have stated walking in the woods/park (which is only 100 yards from my house) for exercise (now that the heat and smoke are finally gone), but if things get too bad I'll be back to doing all my walking in my yard and/or living room.

      December 3, 2020 11:12 AM MST

  • 113301
    YOU ARE MY HERO Shuhak! I KID YOU NOT. If everyone only did 1/3 of what you do we would not be in this terrible fix. I salute you. You do way more than they even require. Did you know (I know you do) that we could cut the spread by 95% of all we did was WEAR MASKS, SOCIAL DISTANCE, WASH OUR HANDS? How easy is that for cryin' out loud? But that's way too much to ask of the standard mediocre ordinaries...the 70 million who traveled on thanksgiving. They are way too obtuse. Christmas is coming. You cannot make up for them my friend. What will be will be NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO. They just don't give a rat's a** sh** about it. If we survive till next year I wonder what we will be talking about? Thank you for your reply and the detail of your life. Exhausting. :(
      December 3, 2020 11:21 AM MST

  • 10562
    If they had just did those things we would have returned to a sense of "normality by now.  Stores/businesses would be open, the economy would be recovering (the economy is more than just the stock market), people would have been able to go to their Thanksgiving, churches could have opened, and states wouldn't have had to impose such strict regulations....  all the things people are out there demanding and moaning about would have already happened.  But the same ones who are bitching and moaning how "unfair" things are, are the same ones who are preventing (could have prevented) this from happening.
      December 3, 2020 11:53 AM MST

  • 113301
    It's not like it would have been a GREAT SACRIFICE. You could still go out to buy essentials. Or to a doctor's appointment if it were essential. You could still do TAKEOUT via drive through. Sure it's an adjustment to the norm but fer cryin' out loud what is a life worth? People used to care. What happened? Thank you for your reply Shuhak. Wear a mask. Social Distance. Wash your hands. Shelter at home. For those on whom we have relied to keep the rest of going well GOD BLESS THEM! The rest of us should do our part. We have the easy stuff to do. But it seems the hard-nosed won't even do that. I will never get it. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :) This post was edited by RosieG at December 3, 2020 4:33 PM MST
      December 3, 2020 12:53 PM MST