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Should we have a wall for notice of leaving?

Category: Trends within the group of Silly Questions.

Seems like we currently have the well-known phenomena of noisy departures running over the screen. Yea sure, we will miss you when the silence after you have left will hit us in the face.

Then again, maybe not...

Posted - October 16, 2016


  • 7938
    LMAO I am posting this every single time someone does that from now on. Adding the direct video for others.

      October 16, 2016 2:34 PM MDT

  • 7938
    Ooh, and to respond to the actual question, there's a psychological reason why most of the people who do that wouldn't use the wall...
      October 16, 2016 2:35 PM MDT

  • 17261
    Spoiler. I want my wall. Lmao.
      October 16, 2016 2:41 PM MDT

  • 17261
    Mmhmmm. We had quite some whining lately. I recalled this one, and felt it would add a humorous angle to it. Sorry being a bit sarcastic at times. Oopsie.

    Btw, thanks for the direct link. I'll try to update the question when I get on a PC. Seems I can't upload clips unless having the embedded code. *runs and hides*
      October 16, 2016 2:40 PM MDT

  • 7938
    But how would you not have the embed code? What else are you going to embed with? O_o
      October 16, 2016 3:16 PM MDT

  • 17261
    I can't grab the embed code from YouTube on an iPad, it only allows me to take the web address.
      October 17, 2016 5:31 AM MDT

  • 77
      October 16, 2016 2:35 PM MDT

  • 17261
    Oh. Did you like it first place? ;-)

    Psst! Reports once a day with an update on what people say? Lol.
      October 16, 2016 2:43 PM MDT