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California is plagued by high winds. Any other states similarly cursed? Our electricity gets shut off. Yours too?

The fire danger in California is ever present. High winds fan the flames. Power companies get badly damaged. People get their power shut off...sometimes for days.

Any other state have that to contend with or do you have other things that make life difficult?

Posted - December 4, 2020


  • 10562
    Actually, high winds are normal in California.   The problem is longer and more intense droughts, bigger population, and many years of greed from power companies catching up with them.

    As much as some people (especially politicians) want to deny it, global warming is real... and it's altering global weather patterns.  California is now seeing warmer days (and hotter summers), as well as longer and stronger droughts.  Less water equals drier plants.  Drier plants are unable to ward off insects as well and die.    Dead and dry plants burn quickly and intensely.  

    Up here, the power company didn't do its job (maintain equipment/lines, trim trees properly, etc.) for decades.  Instead, they pocketed the money meant for that purpose and grew fat.  Now they have an aging infrastructure (gas and electricity), worn out equipment, and massive trees in the lines.  Couple this with the intense droughts and a bigger population, and you have a recipe for disaster.  And struck it did!   Since they're beholden to shareholders (who want profits, not loses), they bailed (bankruptcy) and threw the burden onto their customers - 100% rate increases (we pay for their negligence).  Even though they emerged from bankruptcy, they haven't changed much.  All they are doing now is cutting down every tree that's within a mile of their lines (ugly clear cutting), yet still "C" pruning the trees in the lines.  Instead of fixing their lines/equipment, their solution is to shut off the power so they won't get blamed for another fire.

    Fires are nothing new.  Growing up I remember lots of big fires in the mountains and hills.  (natures way of managing a forest).  Some fires lasted for months.  However these days, more and more people are moving further into the "wilderness" to get away from the cities.  What was once lush forest land is now tracks of houses "hidden" among the trees.  So what once was a "simple" forest fire, now consumes houses and lives.

    Its basic math - greedy power companies plus intense droughts plus populations moving into forests plus the normal california winds equals POOF. 
    Add in the fact that no one wants to put out any money to help alleviate the situation (eg. shoulder of rock around roads to prevent spark from getting into dry brush, dead tree removal, removal of dried grass/shrubs from roadways) adn ... here we burn.
      December 4, 2020 11:43 AM MST

  • 113301
    Doesn't the Federal gubment OWN a large percent of our forests? What are THEY doing about it? Separate but related subject. Our electric bill this month includes an extra charge of $26,62  for something called
    "Supply/Generation Western Community Energy.Also on the back it says something about "the DWR bond charge is being collected to support California's Wildfire fund."

    Is that on your bill too Shuhak or is that strictly a southern California surcharge?. I mean the worst fires were near you. We had our share too but yours lasted longer and did more damage. So do you know what the heck that's about? If it's on your bill too is it a monthly surcharge I wonder or just a one-tiime-only thing? We used to get a credit in April and October for some reason. It was around $25-$30! There is no credit this year. Thanks Shuhak. This post was edited by RosieG at December 5, 2020 9:33 AM MST
      December 5, 2020 4:06 AM MST

  • 10562
    The feds own/manage nearly 58% of california's forests.  The state owns/manages 3%.  The rest is privately owned/managed.

    The only extra charges I have on my bill are a energy commission tax ($.09) and a gas surcharge ($.01015/therm).  To get their money they just jack up the cost of the power.  I pay $120/yr. to the state for fire protection (separate bill).  This "tax" was meant to offset the costs of fighting fires in rural areas.  However, due to my proximity to the "city limits", I get no benefit from this "tax" - even though I live outside city limits (it's complicated).

    The "credit" is the california climate credit.  It comes from the money the state charges power plants and corporations to purchase carbon credits (like getting dividends).  This year, due to COVID, both credits were made in april and may to help offset people being out of work.

    Do you get a CARE credit?  Up here, PGE gives discounts to people who are elderly or disabled.  I get nearly $30 off each bill via CARE program.

    Oh, fun news.... PG&E is shutting off my power (again) on monday due to winds and low humidity (PSPS).   Gee... it's so wet that they lifted burn ban, but so dry they're shutting off the power.   Go figure!
      December 5, 2020 10:17 AM MST

  • 113301
    Thanks m'dear. I have not heard of the CARE credit. I will check into it. Geez so you will be off the grid AGAIN? On Monday for how long? I mean the internet is the least of it. The fridge the TV the computer? I am at a loss but somehow someday sometime they will pay for it. Anyway until Monday we get to chat. So they gave you that much notice? I wonder what's going on with that? I mean you can PLAN for it. How odd is that? Thanks for the heads up. I always figger when we don't chat at least once a day you are down electricitywise. BUMMER! :(
      December 5, 2020 11:13 AM MST

  • 10562
    According to the terms for their getting out of bankruptcy (with state dollars), they must notify customers 48 hours in advance of a "possible" power shut-off.  And 24 hours in advance of a definite shut-off.  I got the call at the exact same time as I was hearing about it on the 5 o'clock news.

    As of 3:41 pm yesterday, the estimated time of  shut off will be between 4 and 6 am monday, and will be restored around 10pm Tuesday.  Of course they always insert the disclaimer that "actual times may vary depending on the arrival of winds".  Once they're given the all clear, they must go out and visually inspect every inch of the lines before re-energizing them.   

    I now have a generator (small, but expensive).  My refrigerator is top priority.  However, I can unplug it for a few minutes to use microwave, toaster, of other small appliances.  I could power my computer/TV and modem with the generator, but I have Xfinity for my TV/Internet. When the power goes out, Xfinity goes down too (crappy company!).  Therefore anyone who relies on them for their internet (or their VoIP phone service ) during a PSPS are just screwed (and they will NOT refund any money). 
      December 5, 2020 11:47 AM MST

  • 113301
    Well still this time you dodged the bullet right? But there will be next  times and I'm glad you have your sturdy bullet-proof vest available and complete for the next "next time". Winds, fires, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods mudslides, n'oreasters, icy roads, avalanches,freezing temps, excessive heat temps, volcanoes, lava flows, icebergs, tsunami, drought, locusts, sandstorms, lightning. And a pandemic to boot topped off by evil corrupt crooks running the country. What did I forget? Thank you for your reply Shuhak!)
      December 7, 2020 6:17 AM MST

  • 33856
    CA always burns. That is part of the normal climate.  Historically the forests burned millions of acres every year, even when it was just the Native Americans around.  The forests regularly burned every 6-10 yrs.  
      December 4, 2020 12:28 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply m2c. It is getting worse. Will get even worser. Much of our forests is owned by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. I wish to he** it would do its part but all it does is rag on us. Happy Saturday to thee and thine. This post was edited by RosieG at December 5, 2020 5:38 AM MST
      December 5, 2020 3:15 AM MST

  • 33856
    Actually less forest is burnt each now than in the past. So no it is not worse. 
      December 5, 2020 6:17 AM MST