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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I learned something yesterday from a knowledgeable friend. It is IMPORTANT. Will you please read it?

I learned something yesterday from a knowledgeable friend. It is IMPORTANT. Will you please read it?

I told him about my grave concerns regarding the fast tracking of the vaccines. I reminded him of my involvement in an FDA trial STAGE 3 that took two years. This is what he told me.

Vaccines and drugs are very different. A vaccine goes into the system immediately and so the effects will be obvious much faster. Drugs are usually in pill form though some may be liquid. Drugs are the ones that should not be fast tracked because TIME is an essential component to guarantee safety.

OK. Now I know and my concerns are very slight. If Dr. Fauci OKAYS a vaccine I will take it when my turn comes. What you don't know can be very harmful. What you don't know can kill you.

So I will investigate further since I just took his word for it. But it makes sense to me. Does it make sense to you?

Posted - December 5, 2020


  • 10562
    Neither should be "fast tracked".  

    A vaccine goes out to more people that a drug, therefore there will be many more reported side effects.

    As for the COVID vaccine:  While there is no way to know the long term side effects (ones that may appear years later), it really comes down to percentages.   Best to lose a few than all.  Yes, it sounds cold and crass, but that's kind of where we're at... thanks in part to stupid leaders and very stupid people.

    On the plus side... since most of us won't be in the first wave of vaccines, we'll get to see what happens to others first.  On the down side, if it does prove to be faulty, we will have inoculated all our health care workers.  If They go down who will be left to take care of the rest of us?
      December 5, 2020 3:10 PM MST

  • 113301
    It is the immediacy of the reaction to which I refer Shuhak. You can find out much faster if there are going to be side effects with injections. As for your question about the efficacy/safety I cannot answer that so I guess we will just have to wait and see. In any case we always wait to let NEW things shake out before we buy. That works for electronics. Long ago ago I was asked to be among the "BETA" test site users of a new computer program that we were considering purchasing. So we guinea pigs would test it out and write down any unexpected glitches we had with it. It got debugged enough to release and those of us who were the testers got the program for free which my boss really appreciated. Thank you for your reply! :)
      December 6, 2020 2:06 AM MST

  • 3719
    As I understand it, side-effects from vaccines can happen but are not so common as those from drugs, nor as harmful as some of the rarer drug side-effects can be. 

    This is because they work in a very different way.

    The body sees a vaccine as an invading micro-organism so prepares the appropriate defences.  It's really only doing in a controlled way what Nature is doing to us all the time.

    A drug though, is a chemical designed to act in a specific way within the body's physiology. It might for example replace a missing or weak enzyme or hormone, such as the thyroid booster I take. Or it might suppress or reinforce certain chemical reactions, as anti-depressants do. (And as alcohol does, in the reverse, as a depressant by damping certain brain functions.)  

    It is true that if a certain new drug or vaccine does have side-effects, or indeed fails to work, in some people then if very many people take it we will apparently see many such cases. Let's' say a particular effect or failure occurs 1 in 100 000; whether 1 million or 10 million take it. That would give 10 or 100 cases of side effects, and whilst the latter might look frighteningly many, it's 100 out of 10 000 000. It is still only 0.001%  

    Covid-19 is still a "new" disease, though possibly had been around earlier than thought; and unusual by acting in a variety of ways. It will be some time yet before anyone can really understand it fully, but once a disease has gained a taste for humans, it does not go normally go away. The only one that can be considered extinct is smallpox - which is thought to have been transmitted to humans from gerbils, in mid-Asia around the 14C. Even the Black Death (Bubonic Plague) is still with us, but kept under tight control largely by good hygiene  by which most modern humans are not mobile parasite colonies.
      December 5, 2020 4:33 PM MST

  • 113301
    What about Polio Durdle? Isn't that pretty much gone too? I guess whatever we "conquer" something else will come at us. Survival of the fittest. It would be so sad to see us wiped out by bugs don't you think? Thank you for your thoughtful and informative reply. "It it's not one thing it's another". Gilda Radner's famous brilliant observation. Very true. :)
      December 6, 2020 2:11 AM MST

  • 3719
    Polio is still around in some countries, especially where assorted rebel-groups and the like have done their best to stop foreign aid-workers.

    It is very much "survival of the fittest", although I am not sure where that phrase came from. It's often credited to Charles Darwin, but I believe wrongly, or as a misunderstanding. Rampant diseases are not known to destroy their victim populations completely, whether of plants or animals, but they can certainly do a lot more than just decimate them (kill one-tenth).   
      December 8, 2020 3:19 PM MST

  • 113301
    I read somewhere once upon a time that it would be viruses that would eventually do us in. I don't know if that's true. I won't be around to find out. T expect there will be diseases out there even worse than COVID 19. These virus "folks" are very clever. They keep changing to keep a step ahead of us. We are always playing catch up. They morph into whatever they need to in order to survive as we develop ways to outwit them so maybe that's what survival means. Adapting. Changing. . Thank you for your thoughtful reply and Happy Wednesday! Your country was front and center yesterday worldwide for being the first to start administering the vaccine! Good on ya! :)
      December 9, 2020 2:06 AM MST

  • 6098
    Drugs and vaccines I have no desire at all to get involved with. Since they are not natural then their use can only serve to weaken us as individuals.  Let those who believe in them indulge in them. Thank you, I will go my own way and take my own responsibility for my health. 
      December 8, 2020 7:43 PM MST

  • 113301
    So you are what they call an anti-vax then og? Do you have children? Aren't they required to be vaccinated before they are allowed to attend school or do you home school? I am pro using every tool available to stay alive. Why go to a doctor? Why get an operation? Why take specific meds for whatever disease you have like say heart problems or diabetes or any of a number of other things? Why go to the dentist? Preventive maintenance is what you do for your car. Why would you not do that for yourself? The anti-vax make no sense to me at all. In fact I shall why. Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday to thee and thine. STAY SAFE! This post was edited by RosieG at December 9, 2020 6:24 AM MST
      December 9, 2020 2:12 AM MST