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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Apparently allegedly purportedly 53 white house peeps, duck's BEST PEOPLE, have gotten COVID 19! Guess what even though even so?

Apparently allegedly purportedly 53 white house peeps, duck's BEST PEOPLE, have gotten COVID 19! Guess what even though even so?

The duck and his missus are throwing TONS of parties in the white house where masks will be forbidden as will social distancing.

The duck take on it? BRING IT ON!

So we got the thanksgiving 70 million who traveled. We got the white house multiparty farties to look forward to and then we got Christmas where at least 70 million will travel. Geez aren't we somethin' though?

The rest of the world looks down on us for being so stupid dumbly arrogant while the powers that be believe we are EXCEPTIONAL and BEST.

Someone's delusional but he** so what?  Party on heard mentality immunity folks!. Party on. If you die you die. Right? Don't let that stop you from having fun!

Posted - December 7, 2020


  • 10562
    I say let 'em party!   Get 'em all in there together then lock the doors and seal the windows.  If they refuse to care about anyone but themselves, them they can just live with themselves... and the consequences of their actions.  And NO medical help!  Since they think it's not real, then they can't need medical help.  
      December 7, 2020 11:47 AM MST

  • 113301
    Not getting medical help is a reality already Shuhak. Right now we were shut down because our ICU capacity dropped to 12.5%. We have been told that dialing 911 may not bring you any help at all. Medical staff are getting the virus or getting exhausted and dropping out. Facilities are getting massively filled very quickly. It is going to get much worse. So we're already there. As for the dumb cluck duck yucks they deserve it. They yearned for it and earned it. So much for them. Thank you for your reply! :)
      December 8, 2020 7:12 AM MST

  • 10562
    If they want to deliberately ignore the rules, then they should get what comes with it.  Leave the medical help for those who DO follow the rules.
      December 8, 2020 9:11 AM MST

  • 113301
    AMEN! I agree. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      December 8, 2020 11:07 AM MST

  • 10961
    Yesturday that 53 might of jumped up to 60 because Trump heled a photo op of him handing out a Metal of freedom - there was 2 more kids there so in the last week Trump has put 4 kids at risk (that I know of). Plus Trump couldn't even stay for the whole event he left early leaving the person getting the award standing at the podeum. Today that 60 might jump up to 70 because Trump will be holding a photo op of him signing a Executive order to get vaccine makers to sell to America first. He will also be holding a globe meeting about the viris but the 2 companies that have the vaccine won't be there -they say it is because  they have other comitents but it could also be because they know that the meeting is just a photo op for Trump to try to take credite for the vaccine and it is rumored that Trump wants one of the vaccines named after him. The executive order Trump will be signing will likley do nothing to speed up Americans getting the vaccine and it is starting to look like America will be one of the last Countries to get and distribute the vacine. So it looks like Operation  Warp Speed  is really Operation Slower Then Molasses. Cheers!
      December 8, 2020 10:42 AM MST

  • 113301
    I just now heard that duck was offered more units of vaccine early on but paid no attention and other countries swooped in and bought them. Once again duck is impotent. Once again duck let us down. Once again once again and again and again. His peeps adore hi incompetence. Makes them feel superior. i will ask that. Thank you for your reply Nanoose! :)
      December 8, 2020 11:10 AM MST