Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The anti-vax folks make no sense to me. A vaccination is preventive maintenance. Do they not preventive maintenance at all?

The anti-vax folks make no sense to me. A vaccination is preventive maintenance. Do they not preventive maintenance at all?

Do they REFUSE to take meds for medical conditions like heart disease or diabetes or depression or ADHD
Do they REFUSE to get operations for cancer or heart disease or other life-saving procedures?
Do they REFUSE to go to the dentst so they can keep their teeth?
Do they REFUSE to go to any doctor for anything whatsoever?
Do they REFUSE to get an inhaler if they have asthma and figure dying is what GOD intended when they couldn't breathe on their own?

See the problem? If you don't trust a vax and refuse it why would you trust a doctor to remove a bad lung and replace it with a healthy lung?

You can't be half-a**ed about it. Either go the whole hog and never see a doctor for any reason and never take any meds for any reason OR you go the whole hog the other way.

So what's the logical intelligent stable sane reason for being an anti-vax? Anyone?

Posted - December 9, 2020


  • 10562
    Many are misled.  Much like the current gluten free fad, they read something on the internet, or were told something by another and assumed that it was universal.  Just like there are a few people out there who actually have celiac disease, there are also a few who have adverse reactions to some vaccines.  Yet, just because one person has a certain problem doesn't automatically mean everyone does.  But if you get a person who likes to fight for any cause to believe a lie, they will be dead determined to spread it around - without checking to its authenticity.   They will say and write things that sound so factual, that many will simply take as fact.  
      December 9, 2020 11:48 AM MST

  • 113301
    AARRGGHH! Didja hear there were two very bad reactions to the Pfizer vaccine? Two folks who are allergic to certain things reacted VERY BADLY. So now folks who are allergic to certain foods or other thing are advised to NOT get the Phizer version. Meanwhile they are trying to figure what the problem was! Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      December 9, 2020 12:22 PM MST

  • 10562
    Yes, I heard it.  People who have severe allergies (like the ones who carry an epipen) may have reactions.  
      December 9, 2020 6:13 PM MST

  • 113301
    It's called ANAPHYLAXIS and my son has it. Walnuts are the enemy. Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Thursday! :) This post was edited by RosieG at December 10, 2020 12:43 PM MST
      December 10, 2020 1:28 AM MST